I don’t know why it took me so long to figure that out. I guess the idea that a virus would give me back pain just never entered my mind.
But my first 48 hours I had “body aches” which felt a lot like menstrual cramps and were focused mostly in my back. I laid on a hot water bottle for two days trying to alleviate the pain.
But then it went away. And now I guess it’s back. I haven’t done enough “research” into whether or not I should expect it to be a lingering issue. I’m sure said “research” will be inconclusive anyway.
But did you know that lower back pain is one of the most commonly reported symptoms of omicron? I did not.
So yeah. Just wanted to put that out there. Evidently if your stuffy nose and scratchy throat is accompanied by back pain – most commonly reported initially as similar to menstrual cramps or GI pain – you probably should take a rapid test.
I think I’ll try to find an acupuncturist to see if they can help…
Oh Wow! Did not know this!
Had not heard this. re lower back pain & covid.
Is it like muscle pain or deeper inside kidney location or???
Are they thinking this is micro-clot issue, so a POST-covid issue, or a primary symptom like lack of smell and runny nose? HOPING for you that it is not a lasting issue. The micro-clot thing is really not good ALTHOUGH MANY PEOPLE CLEAR THESE CLOTS on their own given rest and time.
Sounds awful and you work on your feet……
Another reason why multiple rounds of catching covid is a terrible idea.
Hope you can get extra rest this summer! Very clearly it takes a lot longer than we want to believe to fully clear all the covid and aftermaths from bodies…. why they are saying now not 6 but 12 months of higher risk due to covid aftermath.
I am very much looking forward to your trip to the midwest farm. Soon, very soon.
Body aches (esp back pain) were my #1 symptom from getting the vaccine all three times, so it doesn’t really surprise me that omicron does this also.
I didn’t realize it either but I had it 2 weeks ago and my back was twitchy and you are now the second person to confirm it was Covid related!! Crazy symptoms!