Last week, I read an article in Remezcla about two kids who were setting up a Churros and Chocolate stand in Berkeley to raise money for kids that are still being detained at the boarder. Their efforts were in response to a boy who sold lemonade to raise money for Trump’s wall in Austin.

I wanted to support their efforts, an show my kids how other kids can make a positive impact in the world. I also wanted to do something else in Berkeley after we went.
I ended up searching for fun things to do with kids in Berkeley, because I usually take my kids there to see sports games or to roam the campus. So somehow, I didn’t know about Adventure Playground (even though I think I read an article about it not that long ago), even though it’s pretty much the coolest thing I’ve ever heard about for kids.

Adventure Playground is basically a junk yard where kids can do whatever they want. It’s a space where random boards have been cobbled together to create forts, and kids can add, or subtract, in any way they see fit. Any child can take saws to the already made structures or hammer on something new. The tools, wood, and paint are all provided; kids just need to turn in pieces of wood, nails or “monsters” (wood with nails sticking out) to the tool table to trade.
As a “free range” parent who wishes my kids could have the kind of freedom I remember as a child, I think this place is the absolute greatest. I can imagine many parents are horrified by all the possible scenarios in which kids could get hurt, but there are clearly many parents, like me, who are thrilled to let their kids loose in this creative wonderland. Honestly, seeing how popular it was, and realizing I’m not the only parent who wants this for my kids, made me feel pretty great. I guess I’m not totally crazy!

We got there late and it was closing early (winter hours), so I promised my kids we would be back next weekend with some friends. I have a feeling we are going to spend a lot of weekends at Adventure Playground.
(Also, we spent an hour at the marina, right next to the playground, which was also beautiful and fun, and full of crazy squirrels who didn’t give a f***, as squirrels in Berkeley rarely do.)
That place looks amazing! Love it!
WOW! Wonderful. Joy.