It’s that time of year again (or time of every-three-years) when I have to cough up $$$ to keep this space running. Usually I wax philosophical for a couple of entries about what this space means to me and whether or not I should keep paying for it. But I’m way too in the weeds with the rest of my life right now to even consider letting go of this space, so it will auto renew for now. Maybe in another three years I will have the time and mental bandwidth to consider stepping away.
I’m kind of relieved I don’t have it in me to think about it too much right now. And I’m grateful that my financial situation makes paying for it a reasonable expense right now. I know that for so many people that would no longer be the case.
Everything feels untenable right now, but I can keep this space. I will consider that a small win.
My kids got up way too early today and I have a lot of work to do this weekend to be ready for next week. I guess I should get at it.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Thinking of you. Staying inside due to air.
Thinking of all the people who have lost homes and are in danger of fire taking their homes and worried about more dry lightening and being grateful I am not in immediate danger.
Thinking of the challenges you are facing at work and sending best wishes.
Being grateful your husband now understands the issue of this fall and school and the children and your job. It seems he can go a long time without getting it but also like when he DOES get it it really does see reality and rallies to try and participate.
Being super worried about the high schooler with terrible on-line classes and crossing fingers for the grade school child. And ALL THE OTHER CHILDREN across the nation with difficult on-line education and those forced to show up in person in areas where covid is not under any control and their risks.
Watching the news and turning it off again.
Thank you for staying here and helping me follow your example of courage and minute to minute reality. Thank you also to all your followers, those who post and those who read and do not post. Holding hands we can keep going. Thank you.
Glad you are sticking around:)
I would be sad if you left – you’ve been a constant for me for many, many years now!
Saturday 8/29
Hope you are able to take deep breath. That the week worked and your family developed skills and methods for smoothing out the worst bumps. That next week is easier. THAT YOU GET SOME DOWN TIME AND LAUGHTER AND LOVE AND EMOTIONAL NOURISHMENT.
Hope this is true for all your readers too.
Wednesday evening. First week September. Sending good wishes to all. We are making it ~~ a day, or minute, or breath at a time. Thank you all.