My Failure Resume
Mel wrote a post about writing one’s Failure Resume, the idea for which she got from a Lifehacker article. This is how the original article begins: Listin...
Mel wrote a post about writing one’s Failure Resume, the idea for which she got from a Lifehacker article. This is how the original article begins: Listin...
Our house is not what one would call nice. It’s old. It’s run down. The quality of pretty much everything inside it is shoddy. The pipes are loud. T...
I’ve totally lost mojo at work and I’ve become a completely mediocre teacher. I just can’t seem to pull it together enough to give a fuck. Mos...
I love my children. I really do. And I can genuinely enjoy spending time with them, one on one, especially if it’s the weekend and we have some time and w...
I’m driving myself crazy thinking about my job. Do I want to stay? Do I want to leave? It’s gotten to the point that I don’t feel like I can t...
Things are totally imploding at work right now. It went downhill so fast I still can’t really wrap my head around it. We are piloting a new schedule this ...
I’ve been thinking a lot about Mali’s comment on my last post, especially the part about how when she learned to love herself she was able to love h...
Remember when I mentioned that things were pretty good in my marriage? Well, right after I wrote that, they started chafing again. It was to be suspected, our g...
One of the biggest reasons that people tout for embracing frugality or minimalism is that those lifestyles provide the money and time to live in accordance with...
The days lately have had a certain languid quality to them. It may come from listening to Station Eleven (and I can’t determine if that is because of the ...