Playing Catch-up
Well, a belated Merry Christmas to you and yours. I hope you had a great day, whether you celebrate or not, and that you have plans to celebrate the New Year in...
Well, a belated Merry Christmas to you and yours. I hope you had a great day, whether you celebrate or not, and that you have plans to celebrate the New Year in...
Only two more days until Christmas. Thank gawd. I don’t think my daughter and I can last any longer. My daughter LOVES stuff, toys, books, jewelry, art su...
On Sunday night my husband alerted me to the fact that he would not be home before bedtime one night this week, and I promptly had a panic attack. A real, legit...
I spent a lot of the first years of my daughter’s life carefully broaching the topic of behavior. I hardly ever came out and said how hard it was for me t...
Today my daughter had an eye appointment that I made almost three months ago. It was with an ophthalmologist who specializes in diagnosing and treating converge...
We’re almost done with our son’s second week of daycare. Things are getting better. He doesn’t cry as hard, or long, when my daughter and I le...
Well, we made it. Drop off was kind of a shit show. We got there right as another kid who started last week was being dropped off. He was very upset and cried f...
Tomorrow my son starts preschool. He’s been with my in-laws since I left maternity leave almost two years ago. For the first year and a half I picked him ...
My son turns two today. I don’t write much about parenting him. I certainly don’t write as much about parenting him as I write about parenting my da...
I’ve been back at work for over four weeks and the pace of things feels… relentless. Relentless. It’s the perfect word. From the minute I wake...