Neti pot drama (and travel workout recs?)
So I broke my brain with a neti pot. I’m not sure what exactly I did wrong but now, when I lower my head at all, I feel a searing pain across the back of ...
So I broke my brain with a neti pot. I’m not sure what exactly I did wrong but now, when I lower my head at all, I feel a searing pain across the back of ...
Lest you think, from my last post, that I’m capable of taking all this one como si nada, please know that I can’t. 48 hours in and my house is a dis...
But it really does have to be better in one week right? Definitely in two… I can’t believe last weekend was the long weekend, and I spent much of Wednesday in t...
HIGHS Monday I had dinner with some high school friends. I haven’t seen them in a while and it was really nice to catch up. We met at the restaurant at 6:...
It was a nice weekend. First of all, NO ONE WAS SICK! I can’t believe it was just last weekend that I was puking everywhere, and the weekend before that m...
As I predicted, I’m feeling a bit better. I’m still feeling stressed and overwhelmed, but not quite so at the edge. Or maybe just at the edge or something less ...
Well it’s day four and I ate a bowl or bone broth with saltines and then… toast with margarine… and jam! Gasp! And so far, I have not been rel...
Thursday night my daughter got what my son had, only so much worse. Last night I got it too. It’s some viral gastroenteritis thing going around. No fever but br...
I’m feeling frustrated by things at home this week, about expectations, that are placed on me. That I place on myself. I’m always struggling to know which are w...
Sunday my son got sick. It started as a stomach ache, then he threw up out the window of the car. He kept throwing up all day, and of course couldn’t go t...