December Must-do and Hope-to Accountability

Well, my parents are taking our kids tonight, but my husband finally got what everyone else got, which means he’s super sick (because he always get it AFTER everyone else, and WORSE than everyone else). So I guess I’ll just be enjoying some time away from my kids, which honestly is fine. We’ll have to reconnect some other time, because it’s certainly not happening this break. Instead, let’s see how I did on my December Must-Do and Hope-to tasks.


Ugh, this is becoming a thorn in my side! It was hard to do before Christmas because it’s where wrap and where I packed us for the snow. Then hard to do after Christmas because it’s where I was unpacking us from the snow, and putting the Christmas stuff as I started to put it away. It’s kind of done, but not enough. I crossed out the things I did manage to do. I think I need to actually host people down there for it to all happen at once, and the space to look pristine (or my version of pristine). Without that, I only manage to get stuff done in waves, and it never looks or feels really nice down there.

Tasks: Pick up main space. Pick up kitchen. Clear surfaces in bathroom. Clean all floors. Dust/wipe surfaces. Clean shower. Change sheets


Tasks: Inventory what we have for kids. Inventory what grandparents have for kids. Identify outstanding (what we still want to get). Purchase outstanding. Wrap and label. Sort by house (we spend Christmas morning at the in-laws’ and Christmas afternoon at my parents’ so I have to be strategic about which presents get opened at each house).

I had this all done a FULL WEEK before Christmas day. WOOOOT!


Why do I not want to do this? Seriously, I think there is some kind of psychosomatic issue surrounding this for me. I did NONE OF IT. I guess I need to find another present for my mom for her birthday.


Tasks: May YMCA Aftercare receipt, Rec & Park camp receipt, Legarza camp receipt, Submit paperwork + receipts

I just got this done on December 31st, partly because I wanted to be able to check it off for this post.


Tasks: Find out what we can do with fridge (will Recology take it? – UPDATE: YES!). Schedule pick up. Get it outside. Bring clothing donation to Salvation Army. Clean out whatever else is behind the fridge. Put it out with fridge pick up. Add other items from house to pick up.

I did this! But I missed some other items for pick up. I’m trying to put them in a Note on my phone so the next time I do a pick up I won’t forget anything. It honestly might be soon because our microwave broke right before the snow trip.


Tasks: Print planning calendar. Look at last year’s plans. Write out 1A plans. Write out 1B plans. Put Nov/Dec/Jan on Tri 2 planning document? (I really hope to do this, but it’s not necessary)

I did finally start looking at school stuff yesterday, but I’m still going to move some of this to January. I did plan the next three weeks of 1A and two weeks of 1B and I actually inputted about four weeks of both into the Tri2 planning document at school before I went on the break. But I have a kind of big work thing I need to get done before I go back, so the rest of this will have to wait. I also want to check some resources before I finish planning 1B (which is why I only got through two weeks).


Tasks: Take apart kids’ little trees. Take ornaments off tree. Take lights off tree. Take down tree and put in bag in shed. Put ornaments in boxes. Cull old ornaments so new ones fit. Put everything in Christmas box. Take down door decoration and put in box. Put big box up. Wash Christmas clothes. Pack Christmas clothes. Put clothes box in shed.

This was not a December must-do but it should have been so I’m adding it. It took like two days and it sucked and I should have remembered I’d have to do it.


Some of these are fully self-indulgent because it’s December and I want to enjoy one of my favorite months a little.

  • Watch all of Silo with 14yo (we’re one episode away, mostly because we’ve been watching Severance).
  • Watch Elf and Home Alone with the 11yo (he watched both of these elsewhere this year. Boo!)
  • Rewatch Severance (we just finished season 1 last night, season 2 starts January 17th!)
  • Clean out 11yo’s room and donate old toys (Hahahahaha! Did not even begin to attempt this. But most of his presents were clothes or PS5 related, so we don’t need to find space for new toys. Still, I need to do this).
  • Clean out 14yo’s room and donate old stuff (LOL. Um no.)
  • Hang all clothes on new non-slip hangers (I actually saw the hangers at Costco earlier on Monday and that was the first time I remembered about this. Maybe I’ll attempt it while my husband is sick?)
  • Organize closet drawers (Blerg, I really do need to do this. Again, maybe before I go back?)
  • Organize garage shelves (I was just thinking how the garage is driving me crazy. Maybe I’ll start this too. The garage is always a stress inducer for me, but it’s so easy to just walk out of that space.)

I guess I did okay in December. And now for January’s Must-do and Hope-to tasks. I hope to get those up before Monday.


  1. I think you accomplished a lot on top of everything that comes with Christmas – plus being away for your snow trip. I wanted to do some purging ahead of Christmas but my husband wanted to wait until after Christmas so the kids could see that they had more stuff and needed to make room for it. So I conceded on that, but now I really want to get the kids involved in decluttering our basement. We have far too many big truck-like toys that they no longer play with. If they are resistant, I will just do it myself when they are not around which I know sounds kind of rude, but I doubt they will even notice!

    I haven’t put Christmas away yet… I’ve been holding off on doing it since I love coming downstairs to the glow of our Christmas tree. But I plan to take it down by 1/12 because I need to have it done before I have surgery on 1/13. But it’s good to have a deadline!

    Enjoy your me time while your kids are with the grandparents. Sorry to hear your husband is sick, though! Hopefully you can find another time for some time together w/out the kids in the next trimester.

    1. I hope you got Christmas put away on the time frame you were hoping for! It’s fun to see a comment from you! I’ve been reading you for a while, but I’m not the best commenter (I’m always on my phone and it’s hard to comment on some blogs from there).

  2. You got some really BIG things done. I am impressed and CONGRATULATE YOU! You also went to the snow and celebrated the two BIG holidays AND did the light shows while coping with family illnesses. Major achievements. SO glad for you that you have 5 of 6 weeks for school planned and organized.
    Might you have a professional cleaner come in and do the deep clean of bathrooms and kitchen? It would relieve your pressure and kill germs. I know a cleaner every two weeks is costly, but even once a quarter helps. Saved me when my kids were those ages.
    No idea how you deal with cleaning your kids rooms. Hopefully each child partakes in the task with you but that is still probably 8 hours in total. So much varies with the specific child, can they sort their own clothing by what fits or not, and what they actually have not worn in past 6 months? BUT, esp with ADHD, many cannot do it alone. Doing small batches (all underpants, all socks, all jeans, all outerwear, etc) a batch at a time sometimes helps them keep focused. Timers set for 5-10 minutes can help too.
    Sorry, did not intend to tell you what to do and you know your kids, I do not.
    Hope January feels more controlled than you reported at the beginning of this school year. You do so very much. I hope you are praising yourself and counting your achievements not what remains. It is so hard to do but helps so much and is important. because, if you do not praise you, no one else will. And that is sad.

    1. I also hope January will be more controlled. There are some fun things coming up for sure. I hope I can enjoy them.

  3. Ugh, your husband. My husband is finally feeling better… just in time for school to start on Monday. But, time to yourself without the kids is great. You’re way ahead of me… I took down our tree but all the other Christmas stuff is still out. And a lot of it involves laundry- tablecloths, napkins, towels, sheets, clothes, SHOWER CURTAINS have to be washed before I can put them away. I hate this part of it! My goal is to finish it all this weekend.
    I agree with Purple and Rose- you did get some big things done. December is a busy and chaotic month, so great job.

    1. Yeah, the washing of the Christmas clothes stressed me out the most. That box is still in my hallway actually! I need to rectify that today. I can’t believe school starts tomorrow. Boo!

  4. Congrats on everything you got done! There’s a lot of work involved, and no real urgency. It can wait. Personally, I feel like we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to get stuff done in December and January. Spread it out a bit maybe.

    I’m sorry your husband is sick, and I know how that pushes responsibility on you. UGH. I was sick too, but thankfully my illness was pretty light.

    I still haven’t seen Elf. Worth it?

    1. I do like Elf! I mean I love Will Ferrel, and it’s a fun Christmas movie. I am not a big Christmas movie buff, so if you have a lot of favorites, I’m not sure how it would hold up. And yes, my husband is sick but he’s still been doing his stuff. We’ll see how this week goes… I’m glad you’re feeling better. I got what everyone has had the least bad. So that is good. But maybe it hit me in different ways. It was a doozy whatever got us.

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