End of Break Recap + Winter Break Workouts

I didn’t mean to take a break, but now it’s January 5th and tomorrow everyone has to return to their regularly scheduled programming tomorrow. I don’t even have a staff day to start, like I usually do, so it’s a regular five day week for me. Sob! Just the getting up part is going to be so brutal. We’re all sleeping in until 8:30am at this point, some days I’ve not woken up until past 9:30am! My body gets better sleep from midnight to 8am, so I give myself that time when I can, but next week is going to be like a time change on steroids. Blerg.

The end of the break was kind of weird. I wasn’t feeling great. I’m still not, but things are not as dire as they were on Friday. For several days I’ve been kind of shaky, like my limbs are weak and I need to hold the hand rail when I walk down the stairs. Also my lower back and hips really hurt and and hamstrings my are super tight. I’ve been in considerable pain in the car especially, but doing any kind of sitting hurts. I have no idea what is going on. I wonder if it’s this virus we’ve all had? Or anxiety? I really don’t know what is going on but I’m not a fan. And I hate when I’m in pain and I don’t know what to do to get rid of it. I’ve been doing hip mobility work, and I’m sure my psoas is super tight, but I’m not sure what I’m doing that is creating such a drastic imbalance and making everything hurt. I’m so tired of my body doing this to me.

{The virus we got was major! It hit the worst like five days in, which was so unexpected. Just when you think you should be feeling better, and you spend a day feeling the worst you’ve been. We’re all still coughing, almost two weeks later. It was a doozy.}

Anyway, I’m not sure what is wrong with me, but I still managed to get some workouts in. Here is my workouts for the break (actually, this starts the Monday before the break started).

{I am still trying to figure out 2025 goals and even just January Must-Dos. I’ve been letting myself do not very much and I’m trying to be okay with that!}

M (12/16): Rest

Tu (12/17): Sparring Concepts + Sparring

W (12/18): Rest

Th (12/19): Sim’s 60 Pop (my first 60 min bike bootcamp!)

F (12/20): 50 min run (felt terrible)

Sa (12/21): 10 mins Arms & Shoulders w/ Rebecca Kennedy + 10 mins Glutea & Legs w/ Jess Sims + 10 min stability ball ab workout

Su (12/22): Hiking around in knee deep snow for three hours (seriously exhausting)

M (12/23): 25 mins of PiYo Scuplt

Tu (12/24): Rest (drive home + Xmas Eve w/ my parents)

W (12/25): 30 min run by my IL’s house (felt AWFUL, but ran into my dojo friend)

Th (12/26): Rest (realized Xmas day run felt bad because I was getting sick again)

F (12/27): 60 min Bike Bootcamp w/ Jess Sims (5/16/23)

Sa (12/28): 30 min Interval & Arms w/ Tunde (10/10/24)

Su (12/29): Rest

M (12/30): 40 min walk to dojo + 60 minutes of forms (I learned my whole form!) + CG Dead Bug Workout

Tu (12/31): 60 min run (probably actually ran 45 min) + 10 min stability ball an workout + 10 min Arms & Shoulders

W (1/1): Didn’t do a damn thing. Didn’t even put a bra on. Happy New Year!

Th (1/2): 55 min run (probably actually ran around 40 mins). After this is when I started to feel really bad.

F (1/3): 30 min Bootcamp: Bodyweight w/ Tunde

Sa (1/4): Sparring + Forms + High Belt class at the dojo + 15 min Hip Mobility w/ Hannah Corbin

Su (1/5): 30 min Intervals & Arms Ride w/ Tunde + 10 min Foam Rolling: Hips w/ Rebecca Kennedy


  1. Get your rest ~ as much as possible! Whatever malaise your family had, it sounds quite nasty and linger-ish. Did you talk at any point to an ‘advise nurse’ who might have recognized the illness as happening a lot in the SF area? These days having any idea what illness is circulating is helpful.
    Hope you have a quiet weekend coming up and that your classes fall into order cooperatively. Back to school/jobs is always a huge transition and hard on everyone.
    I hear Tiger Balm and Voltaren can help with tightness but the shaky stuff is different. Shakey really is a BIG statement from your body to use hand rails! I trust/hope you will be feeling better by time you see this.
    Today was super foggy/damp but forecasts are much sunnier by tomorrow and for the next 10 days. Hope it gives you a boost. (Me too.)
    Thank you for writing.

    1. Yes! The sun has been amazing! And yes, I have been resting more than usual. It’s hard for me, but I’m getting better at it.

  2. Maybe you had “bed flu!” I’m halfway through The Dark Forest right now and I keep thinking of you- you said it was your favorite of the trilogy, right? And do you remember the “bed flu?” Anyway, I hope it didn’t force you to go into hibernation, although that probably sounds like a pretty great idea to you right now.
    Getting up at 5:30 again was HORRIBLE. But at least we started school on Tuesday- I think monday starts after a vacation should be abolished. I’m late in commenting so it’s now Friday- YAY! You made it through. Hope you’re feeling better.

    1. I was just thinking about how weird it would be to go into hibernation and then wake up hundreds of years later. I wonder if I would want to do that… I hope you’re liking The Dark Forest. As you know I ADORED it. I really want to read it again. Soon…

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