February 2025 Workouts

Sa 2/1: Sims 60: Hip Hop Bike Boot Camp (9/10/24). This was really hard, but I fucking rocked it.

Su 2/2: Strong Glutes Week 3, Session 5 + 45 mins on elliptical

M 2/3: Teach forms + Basics

Tu 2/4: Sparring Concepts + Sparring

W 2/5: Rest

Th 2/6: 15 min 90’s Rock Ride w/ Jenn Sherman (15 best + 25th ride! – I do more bike boot camps) + 10 min Fore w/ Jess Sims (she’s back!) + 10 min Arm & Shoulders w/ Rebecca Kennedy + Strong Glutes Week 3 Routine 6 (16mins)

F 2/7: Rest

Sa 2/8: Sparring + Forms + High Belt

Su 2/9: 60 minute run (with walking breaks) + Strong Glutes Week 4 Routine 7 (20 mins) + 15 mins of upper body and core.

M 2/10: Rest (working on sub plans)

Tu 2/11: Sim 60 Advanced! I rocked this and it was really hard!

W 2/12: General + High Belt

Th 2/13: 45 mins elliptical + Strong Glutes Week 4 Routine 8 (22 mins)

F 2/14: Rest

Sa 2/15: Sparring + Forms

Su 2/16: 10 min climb ride w/ Camilla + Strong Glutes Week 5 Routine 9 (30 mins) + 20 minute Arms & Shoulders with Ray (Beginner with the husband!) + 10 min Core w/ Ben (beginner with the husband!) – These were the husband’s first strength workouts ever! He was feeling it the next day.

M 2/17: Short walk to brunch. Ha!

Tu 2/18: Sparring Concept + Sparring

W 2/19: General + High Belt

Th 2/20: 60 min run (with maybe 10 mins walking?) + 10 stability ball abs + Strong Glutes Week 5 Routine 10

F 2/21: Rest

Sa 2/22: Teach Teens + Sparring + Forms + High Belt

Su 2/23: 30 min Bike Boot Camp: Upper Body w/ Jess Sims + Strong Glutes Week 6 Routine 11 (25 mins) + 10 mins Core w/ Jess Sims

M 2/24: Rest

Tu 2/25: Sparring Concepts + Sparring

W 2/26: 4 mile run (fewer miles but also less walking!) + Strong Glutes Week 6 Routine 12 (the last one!)

Th 2/27: 30 min Intervals & Arms ride w/ Tunde (2/20/25) + 10 min stability ball abs

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