February F.I.G. Week 1

A big thank you to Elizabeth for prompting me to write down and share things I’m grateful for this month. Here is week one:

SATURDAY 2/1: I grateful the 11yo got his red belt today, that he was allowed to test last week despite not signing up, and that he got to celebrate with all his friends. I am so proud of him. I’m also grateful that the 14yo wants to hang out with me, and loves shows that I love. I know any of my mom friends would die for a relationship with their daughters like I have with mine.

SUNDAY 2/2: I am grateful that the 11yo got into Sunday swim lessons at 10:55. It’s a great time, because we don’t have to rush, but we’re still done before lunch. It’s so nice to get him out of the house on a weekend day, especially when it’s a wet one like today.

MONDAY 2/3: I love my dojo and the people who make it such an amazing place to learn, and to teach (or to learn to teach!).

TUESDAY 2/4: Thank you Apple Cash, which allowed me to give the 14yo money when I forgot to put her lunch in her backpack this morning. Also thank you to the 14yo for being so cool about it.

WEDNESDAY 2/5: I am thankful that everyone was there for the assessment in 6th period. It’s the first time that has happened this year! There have been so many students out this winter, I can’t believe they were all there today.

THURSDAY 2/6: Everyone was there for the assessment in the second class! So I don’t have to provide a make up for this assessment! These kinds of assessments are a PITA to make up, and every time so far I’ve had to but not this one! Hooray! Also I slept decently and woke up feeling refreshed. I haven’t slept decently in so long, it felt so good to wake up Thursday morning.

FRIDAY 2/7: Today I was invited for drinks after work and I could go because (a) I wasn’t planning on working out, (b) the 11yo wasn’t going to the dojo and (c) he can stay home by himself. It was good to hang out with colleagues for a couple hours after a long week.

Oh and I slept through the night again! Two nights in a row. I hope it keeps up!


  1. Yay, another F.I.G. post today. It made me so happy to read everybody’s F.I.G.s today. It’s so good to know that despite all the bad stuff, there’s still good things happening. And good sleep is huge!

      1. Good sleep is amazing and critical to health, physical and mental. Has your husband’s sleep been checked?
        What a wonder FIG list!
        I am still doing mine daily. It has been a tough tough week. Fig helps.

        1. Good sleep is amazing! Our four-year-old has been waking up recently I think because of his ear infection but he’s even been waking up after the ear infection cleared. He slept through the night the last couple of nights, which makes such a big difference, although he was up at 5:40 today. Sigh.

          1. My youngest (now 11yo) woke up at least once a night most nights for way longer than I expected (I will not tell you how long). It was really hard.

  2. I’m so glad you had a good week and I loved your FIG list. I’ll link to it in next week’s roundup <3

    Time out with adults can feel very refreshing – and not only do you have kids, you are surrounded by kids every day!
    I'm so glad you have such a great relationship with your daughter!

    1. Yes, seeing my girlfriends is such a great release from every day life. I’m so grateful to have them. For a long time I didn’t have any/many friends nearby and it was really hard.

  3. I love time with my girlfriends! I don’t have any locally anymore, so it’s a rare treat.

    Wonderful that you don’t have to do any makeup assessments for students, that’s GREAT, and YAY to good sleep! What an amazing difference that makes. I hope it continues.

  4. I’m one of those people envious of you mother/daughter relationship! My daughter and I are getting along well (at the moment) but we’re not hanging out and watching shows together.
    Great week of FIGs- and yay for sleep. It really does make a huge difference.

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