When I started my first monthly workout summary, I scheduled it to publish on February 28th, so I wouldn’t accidentally post it before then. I meant to add a couple paragraphs to the top of the post, but then I went to a TGIF last night with a bunch of old co-workers (who have moved on to new jobs in different districts), and when I got home I totally forgot about the post. This morning I saw it in my inbox (I subscribe to my own blog to make sure that posts are going out as expected) and thought whoops! So now I’m going to post those thoughts here, and also add them to the original post, for prosperity.
A couple of milestones this month. One I finished the two month long Strong Glutes Program, which I started to relieve piriformas syndrome. I was definitely not activating my glutes before, but now I am! I still have to figure out how I’m going to maintain the glute activation and strength I’ve built up over the past two weeks, and I will write about it in next month’s workout recap.
February 27th was the one year anniversary of my knee injury. As I’m sure you remember, I partially tore my ACL, sprained my MCL and LCL, and fractured my tibial plateau. Surgery was not recommended and I did several months of physical therapy. I was hoping to test for my high blue belt in late April, so I was highly motivated to complete my physical therapy. I wore a knee brace all day for about eight weeks. I continued to wear a brace at the dojo for an entire year, and only this past month have I started taking it off while I train. At this point I’m only wearing it when I spar, as that is when it’s mostly likely to be re-injured. I didn’t consider it at the time, but I think maybe the glue and length strength I’ve been building up these past two months, made me feel comfortable enough taking it off for all other training.
{If you’re interested in reading more in depth posts about my return to movement after the injury, you can do so at these posts: I hurt my knee! , Update (2 days later) (I didn’t think I’d hurt my ACL or MCL at this point), MRI Results (they were not what I expected), Belt Test Confirmed (at 8 weeks), final sports medicine appointment At 10 weeks , and returning to running At 13 weeks.}
At this point I would say my knee has healed. I still don’t feel entirely comfortable sitting on my knees for long periods, but I can sit cross legged without pain. Sometimes my knee feels “tight,” but it’s more the muscles around my knee than the knee itself. This was my first major injury, and I’ve learned a lot rehabing my knee, finding ways to move that kept it safe, but also kept me sane. I’m so pleased I was able to test for my high blue belt in April, and that I’ve been able to continue training this past year.
And boy have I been training! I taught or trained at the dojo for 25 hours in February! It was by far the biggest time physical commitment this month. I hope to test for my red belt in late May, so I’ll be there a lot for the next few months.
I only ran a few times, but each one felt a little better so maybe May, with it’s nicer weather, will finally bring the end to this shitty run of runs!
I was on the bike a little less than in the past, probably because I was at the dojo more. I do want to make sure I’m riding before strength training or doing a bike boot camp at least two times a week, but when I run that probably won’t happen, and that’s okay.
I’ve been moving my body fives times a week pretty regularly this year, up from 4 times a week, despite stacking lots of strength training and working out for at least an hour most times. I think this is because of how much I’m at the dojo, and I wonder if I’ll be able to keep it up without burning out. I know many people work out every day, so maybe I can maintain it. I’m determined not to put so much pressure on myself though.
So this is my first Workout Recap. Again, I’m going to add this to yesterday’s post, because I intended to write it there, but my early February self gave my yesterday self more credit than she deserved, scheduling that post to publish late on Friday.
Hi, I have been following your blog for many years but I am no longer getting emails when you post. I would resubscribe but I can’t see how to do that. Could you let me know. Thanks.
Ha, I like your story of how you accidentally published the post without adding the summary- I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t trust myself to set a post to publish automatically! Anyway… sounds like a great month. You had some good runs, completed the strong glutes program, trained a lot at the dojo… AND, your knee is healed! That must feel good- I know it took a lot of hard work to get to where you’re at now.