Five on Friday: Emotions at the end of the school year

Yesterday I said goodbye to all my classes for the last time. Today I’m in my room getting it ready for “checkout.” I can’t really believe it’s finally over, but I say that every year. I’m very much “in my feelings” today, so here are five things I’m feeling as my 20th year of teaching comes to a close.

Relief. This wasn’t the worst or most intense year of my career, but the end felt especially frenetic. As is always the case at the end of the school year, mostly I feel relief that it’s over, and that I don’t have any major lingering regrets about how it went.

Gratitude. As I clean up my room, I feel very grateful to have this space, and the permission to fill it with yoga ball chairs and giant beanbags and low tables for floor seating. On Wednesday I was over by my old room, a small modular way out on the other side of campus, and I was so thankful I didn’t have to teach there anymore. My newer room (this is my third year in it), is so much better than that space. I hope I get to stay here a long time.

Pride. This was my third year teaching all Spanish classes on this campus, and my first year with four full 7/8 Spanish classes. My program is popular and successful, and I’m proud of the work I’ve done so it could become what it is today. I’m also proud of all the ways I’ve grown as a teacher in the last 20 years.

Sadness. Every spring we learn of colleagues leaving, but this year a LOT of people are leaving. A few of them are really good friends, and I’m sad to see them go. One is a very good friend who was transferred to another site against her wishes. That makes me frustrated and angry; a little devastated, to be honest. I’m really going to miss these people next year.

Anticipation. And of course, with the end of the school year comes the start of summer break. We have some fun travel planned and I’m looking forward to spending time with my kids and my husband, while visiting family and friends. I aim to be aware of my downtime, and to savor it. Hopefully I’ll start school in the fall feeling rejuvenated.


  1. Wow – is that your classroom? That space looks beautiful!

    Congratulations on finishing the school year! I am in awe at the amount of thought and work you put into teaching. Thank you!

    1. It is my room, but all cleaned up for the summer deep clean. And also being portrayed with a wide angle lens. It definitely looks better there than usual. 🤣

  2. Room looks great and ready for the coming deep clean and a new school year. CONGRATULATIONS on finishing this year! Hope you get some extra rest and relaxation in before THE FARM!

  3. I’m not a teacher but I have long thought the relief to be finished with the year – and also know that you have a fresh “batch” of students in the fall so everyone gets a clean slate, so to speak – must be overwhelming. I’m expecting in additional to relief you also feel a bit like you’ve been hit by a transport truck? It must take weeks to recuperate from the intensity of the school year.

    I hope you have a lovely summer. The classroom looks great!

  4. Your classroom looks really nice. Great job on getting it cleaned up and all ready for a new batch of students after the summer.
    My sister is a teacher and she talks about the mixed emotions at the end of the school year every time.

  5. Hooray! You made it! I love that very beginning of summer vacation, when all the days stretch luxuriously ahead of you. My husband is also a teacher- I think he was so burned out by the end of the year, he only had room for relief. But he’s basically over it (threatening to retire in two more years.)
    I’ll be interested to see what you travel plans are!

  6. Totally is on the mixed emotions train! You classroom is so big, looks like a GYM. How nice it is- I love a variety of seating you have so the kids can have that flexibility. In high school, we get 29 desks and one teacher desk. lol

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