Five on Friday: Thumbs down. Do not recommend.

This week was not great. And here are four paragrahps about how it was not great (and one about the ways it was okay).

BODY. My back is hurting again, weirdly on the right side, and my piriformas syndrome is lingering. My sleep has been shit. I wake up at 3:30am and can’t fall back asleep. I toss and turn for half of my “sleeping” hours. I have stress dreams about work. I just want to sleep for six straight hours. Is that too much to ask? The shitty sleep is making me moody and irritable.

WORK. To say I feel underwater would be a vast understatement. There is so much to do and it’s all my doing. I have so much work to do this weekend and I’m resentful about it, but I don’t know how to not do all these things I’m doing. My worst class is driving me crazy. Today one of them stole one of the blocks in the new block calendar I got for work. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal, except I COVERED ALL THE ENGLISH DAYS AND MONTHS WITH THE SPANISH WORDS ON LABELS! I was so happy with how it turned out (you may remember I had to replace my flip calendar, which was ALSO stolen from my room). It makes me crazy when my students steal from me, especially some dumb shit that they have no need for, which means they took it out of spite.

My block calendar, before the viernes/sábado/domingo block was stolen.

HEALTH. I finally called an advice nurse on Tuesday, to ask for a Rx for what I suspected was a sinus infection. The Rx was ordered that night and I was thankful because the next day I finally started feeling the tell-tale pressure and pain on the right side of my face. I’ve been taking antibiotics for 2.5 days now and am finally feeling better. (My husband also got an Rx, but still feels pretty shitty.) Truly, whatever we got was really nasty. Do not recommend.

MOOD. As you can probably tell, I’ve been very much down in the dumps this week. I’m sure the biggest culprit is the lack of solid sleep. My husband has been in a shit mood, which puts me in a shit mood. The 14yo has been trying our patience (as 14yos are supposed to do), and it’s been hard to compartmentalize her attitude, especially when my husband is rage texting me about it. (Okay, rage texting is probably overkill, but it’s definitely angry texting). Also, my SIL is going through a messy divorce and I feel horrible hearing about all the bullshit her husband is putting her through. My poor in-laws are really struggling. It’s awful. I haven’t even wanted to workout, which usually is my happy activity, that makes me feel better. No so much this week.

BRIGHT SPOTS. But not all was lost! I can’t write an entire post all about the shit. It would be disingenuous, not to mention a giant bummer to read. So, some bright spots: I was able to pick up my daughter’s new Rx, and my Rx, and my husband’s Rx all in the same trip, which felt like a miracle. I was only there 30 minutes too! I’m working out on the elliptical right now because we have a new dojo carpool and they brought the 11yo TO AND FROM the dojo tonight. I cannot tell you how happy that makes me. It’s a three day weekend and I’m so happy for the extra time at home, and less time at work. Tomorrow I’m seeing two Sketchfest shows, and my kids are going down to my parents’ house, so Sunday morning will be delicious. I really do think next week will be better than this week. Onward and upward, as they say.

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