It is Friday right? I honestly have had no idea what day of the week it is, which means my mind really has been taking a break! But I feel like, as I come out of the haze that is Christmas week, my mind is starting to get into gear again. Mostly, it’s stressing me out with to-do lists and other stuff. Here is stuff I hope to get done in the next week. (I’ll admit, this is mostly an exercise for me, so make sure I feel positive about my time off at the end of it.)
PACKING UP AND PUTTING AWAY. I know this will get done, so maybe it’s silly to write it here, but I’m feeling the itch to put away the snow and Christmas stuff. I started putting the snow stuff away, and I’ve packed all the Christmas clothes that are clean. We’ll all wear Christmas sweaters to WinterFest tonight and then I’ll wash them and pack them away too, and all the Christmas clothes will be done. I’ll probably take the tree down early next week. I might wait a little longer on the lights in the outside entry way. Mostly, I just want to get the house in order again. It’s felt cluttered and frustrating for a long time, and I don’t want to start the new year that way.
PLANNING + GOAL SETTING. I need to plan for work for the next two months (to the end of Trimester 2). I’d love to get all of Tri2 in a planning document, but that might not happen over the break; as long as I get it on paper I’ll be fine. I want to set a few goals for 2025, but I’m honestly pretty shitty with goals. Did I make any for 2024? I honestly have no idea. I guess I’ll go back and check on the blog to see. (UPDATE: I did not make goals last year, in fact I categorically rejected them. Ha!) I think I’ll make some goals for the second half of the school year (first half of 2025), because August feels like a lot more of a “new year” for me than January.
CHILL TIME. I want to finish my current (physical copy) book, Tu sueño imperios han sido and most of my book club (audio)book, Remarkably Bright Creatures. I want to watch the first season of Severance with my daughter (we started last night and are on episode 3), and The Matrix as a family. I hope to hang out with friends at least once, and enjoy a two night staycation with my husband (while the kids stay with my parents).
KIDS. I want my daughter to do her shoulder exercises 5x a week. I want my son to start reading at least an hour a day. I want both of them to see some friends. I want us all to hang out some, but not a ton, because we’ve been doing that for a week straight.
WORKING OUT. I want to focus on the bike, and not running, because I’m sick of feeling awful when I run. Also, today I went to log into the bike and was informed that the account associated with it had expired. I was then prompted to up my subscription to Peloton All Access ($44/mo) from my App Plus membership ($24/mo). I also had to pay $99 to re-register my bike! I guess since it was used there was some account still associated with the bike from the old owners, and I was able to use my Plus membership to do Cycling and Bike Bootcamp classes on it for just $24/mo, but once that account expired I could no longer use it that way. I remember Sarah mentioning that it was $44 a month to use the bike, and I was so thrilled when that seemed not to be the case. Anyway, I’m spending quite a bit more to use it now, so I want to be on it. Having said that, it supposed to be sunny next week, and I’m sure I’ll run at least once. I just want to feel good when I run again. It’s been soooo long.
Annnd, I’m finally posting this at 9:48pm my time. It’s already Saturday on the other side of the country! Oh well, better late than never.
Here are some pictures from WinterFest today. Going was part of why this post is up so late.

Your goals all sound good and manageable. Are the kids on board with your goals for them? I think paying $44 a month for your bike subscription is likely a great motivator! (Though certainly a lot less expensive than a gym membership.) I hope you can have a good run soon, where it feels great to be out there.
I’ve never been to Winterfest. Actually, it’s been almost 20 years since I’ve been to Great America. Do the rides still go during Winterfest? Was it fun?
It was fun. It was packed. We go a fair amount during the year and have been going for years and it was the most crowded I’ve seen it in a looong time. Maybe since the kids were little? I remember it always being crowded, with long lines, when I was a kid (teenager), but it’s rarely bad these days. They actually sent an email saying there won’t be “holiday celebrations” next year so I’m assuming no Halloween Haunt or WinterFest. I’m glad we went to both this year. I’m sad it might be the last year for both. I’m sure you know it’s supposed to close in like six year.
Thank you for sharing Winterfest with us through pictures. Special to see.
I believe your goals are doable, IF the kids buy in and cooperate rather than fuss and fuddle around as kids their ages sometimes do.
Thank you for making the time to write here.
If the kids cooperate life will be so much easier.
I’m commenting on this late (Tuesday.) I’m wondering if your tree is down! I’m REALLY wanting to take mine down, I might even do it today. Sigh. I hate the end of Christmas.
I hope you’re getting your cycling in and it feels good! Running will come back for you- I’ve had those phases. Sometimes it feels bad for so long, I forget what a good run feels like. But I’m in a good phase right now, so I promise it’s possible!
My Christmas stuff is down. It was stressing me out so I just went for it. I do feel better now that the effort is hanging over my head anymore.
How long have your bad running phases lasted? I’ve never felt this bad for this long. I just wish I knew what was going on. I’m kind of a mess right now.