It sure doesn’t feel like fall

In fact, it feels like the hottest possible summer…in the desert. Because even the summer is not hot here, especially not as hot as it has been.

Because it’s been IN THE 90s, even in the city, almost all of this week.

It’s literally NEVER in the 90s in San Francisco. I really cannot express vehemently enough how weird this weather is. Especially for October.

My classroom, like much of my school, has no AC. It’s been in the mid- to high-80s in my room for the better part of the school days. It’s miserable teaching in that kind of heat, though I know many teachers have it worse.

Tuesday was the hottest day. Today was about 3-5 degrees better. Tomorrow is supposed to be a little better still. Let’s hope so because tomorrow I have no prep and with 30+ adolescent bodies in my room all day, it will get really hot really hast.

I was supposed to go to the dojo yesterday and today but didn’t make it either time. Yesterday I was already considering skipping because the dojo is on the third floor of a building in the hottest neighborhood of the city and I knew it would be brutally hot in there. Then, on the way home from my chiropractor appointment, I took a drink from my YETI cup and only AFTER realized it was SWARMING with ants. I’ve never had ants in my cat but I guess the heat and dryness sent them searching for water. There was definitely other food debris in there that might have initially enticed them, so I promptly emptied the whole car and vacuumed and cleaned it out like I’ve never done before. It literally has never been this clean since we drove it off the lot.

And I couldn’t stand how dirty the outside was when the inside looked pristine, so I used the last rays of daylight to clean the exterior too.

Today my daughter had a dentist appointment and they decided to fill her cavity AND do the sealants we had scheduled for another visit so she was there two hours. Luckily the dojo closed from of heat, because I would have missed it anyway. Also luckily the books my new chiropractor (whom I loved) recommended came, so I had them to read during the two hours. For the first time in a long time, I actually believe I might be able to avoid a lifetime of lower back pain (more on this later).

After her dentist appointment I took my daughter to In-n-Out, where we had a good conversation about many things that have been on her mind lately. The start to high school has been rocky, but she’s handling it really well. It was good to chat with her about a couple issues that had been bugging her. I really appreciate that she still wants to talk to me.

I got my son’s birthday party invite done this morning, and that’s been on my radar for a while. Tomorrow I plan to send it out. I also backed up my work computer and they brought me a new one, which is lovely to use. My old one was overheating constantly, and turning itself off regularly, so it’s really nice to have a new machine.

My husband came back Monday and it’s been… up and down. I’m realizing that I’m pretty unhappy with a lot of my home life right now, which doesn’t leave a lot of space for me to coddle him when he’s feeling down. I’m not quite sure how it’s all going to play out.

Finally, my stationary bike is busted. It’s been knocking a lot and I tried to tighten some stuff and realized I overtightened one bolt and broke the piece it is attached to. I am looking at used Peloton bikes, but if I got one I’d have to change my subscription to the higher level which costs twice as much. It’s still only $25ish (I think?), but that is not nothing when you’re paying monthly. Still, I use it enough that I think it will be worthwhile. Mostly I’m just worried I’ll pay for a used bike and it will break on me like the one I already have. I can’t imagine paying someone to fix a broken Peloton bike will be cheap…

Here’s top hoping the rest of October is a lot less extraordinary than the first two days. So far this is not the October I was hoping for.


  1. Wow, something is really going wrong in this world. It’s as hot in San Francisco as it is in Florida! I’ve actually never been there, but I always thought SF was kind of chilly (there’s a famous quote but I can’t remember the source: “The coldest winter I ever had was the summer I spent in San Francisco.”) The difference is, in FL EVERYTHING is air conditioned. We’re prepared for the heat! SF obviously is not set up for this kind of thing. And- being hot makes everything else in life worse. You’ve got a lot to deal with- you don’t need to be sweltering on top of it all.
    Good luck with the bike issue and everything else. And I certainly hope you get some cooler weather this month.

    1. Summers in SF are so cold. It’s foggy and windy and no one who isn’t from here is prepared for it. Even 10 miles south it’s so much nicer in the summer, but in the city proper it’s just fog and wind. So no, we are not prepared for this kind of weather. Especially when it doesn’t get cooler at night, which it didn’t for a couple days. Last night was much cooler so we were able to blow fans in a couple of windows and cool off the upstairs. Thank goodness.

    2. I just checked and I have the Peloton App One for $12.99/mo and the Peloton App+ (which includes the cardio equipment classes) is $24/mo. But maybe that is because I don’t have the actual bike and it would be more if I did? I’m really not sure. I’ll look into it more.

  2. ugh, those are FLORIDA temps, not SF temps (and I cannot imagine enduring without AC!). I hope it cools down very soon. I think the Peloton sub WITH the bike might be more than $25 (I forget bc I do the cheap one without the bike that’s ~$15/month but I think it may have been closer to $40).

  3. yes. Hot for SF, should cool a bit, but still projecting warm weekend. Must be nasty inn all non-a/c classrooms! Hope you can do some outdoor activities this weekends, like a good run in a pretty location.
    Thank you for posting. Big help to hear nitty gritty of life with two working parents and kids with real life stuff happening. Balancing and grounding.
    Am interested in what the books are saying about backs! Hope you will be able to share information.
    Wishing you well and absolutely support!

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