I was going to write a post tonight – a real one! – but instead I sewed a bunch of patches on my son’s ki for martial arts camp that starts this week. Sewing iron-on patches is just the worst.
You know what else is the worst? The wind. I. am. so. sick. of. the. wind.
I’m sure it only bothers me because we’re still trying to do a lot of stuff outside (with our kids, and their friends, who cannot yet be vaccinated). I’m so tired of the wind whipping away food, art, projects, toys, whatever we’re trying to manage.
I know the weather in Northern California is lauded, but the weather in San Francisco sucks. I’m used to commuting to the peninsula where the fog is held back by the mountains and the wind is calmed by the same – where it sometimes feels warm! Up here is just wind and fog and cold all summer long. It’s two weeks before summer has officially begun I am officially over it.
What weather are you over?
The lack of rain has me terrified of the implications for fire season which is here already. I was so tired of being packed to evacuate on 5 minutes of warning while listening to Stupids setting off fireworks in dry vegetation last year…….. and that season is starting back again already. My suitcase isn’t packed yet but I think perhaps I should be. And, no, I am not directly in an ‘urban-wilderness’ intersection area…. very suburban and good margins for fire safety……. but the fireworks insanity of invulnerability (which is NOT TRUE) is tough. Like those folk that think shooting into the air is harmless….. because they think what goes up (bullets) does not come down.
So actually hearing you on the wind made me feel better. THANK YOU!
PS: The wind is not as hard on me EXCEPT it further drys out the already scary dry ground and vegetation.