No Weekend + Workout Recap today, because I need to get a quick post up about our trip to the snow (which took up the weekend). I think I’ll post a “Winter Break Workouts” at the end of the break, to see how I did while I was off.
The snow trip has been… fine to good. Probably a 3.5/5 stars. Instead of doing a day by day. I’ll do some highs and lows for the trip.
We hit a lot of traffic on the way up and it took a couple hours longer than anticipated.
The 11yo was sick the first night. He threw up multiple times, looked awful and was running a low fever. I was worried for him, the trip, and all of us (possibly getting what he had).
The 11yo felt better on Sunday, but not great. He went to the sno-park with us, but spent most of the time just lying in the snow where we were playing.
Our sled kept deflating and the snow tube I got from the Stockton Costco on the way up wouldn’t inflate with our pump. I was super bummed about the snow tube. I really wanted to try it.
The 14yo ran the sled into a tree, but luckily bailed out to the side into the branches instead of plummeting head first into the trunk. She was fine, but her face got scratched up pretty badly.
There was plenty of snow. I was worried there wouldn’t be much snow at the parks because December is early in the season, but there was plenty.

The 11yo stopped puking and no one else started. All the appendages crossed that the not-puking holds.
The cabin we’re staying in is cute. There are two twin beds for the kids (instead of a bigger bed they have to share). Four logs in the fire stove keep it warm all night long.
We built a snowman, well actually a snow bunny (a la Hundreds of Beavers, the super random movie my son and husband love).we also had a snowball fight.

Yes. She has boobs. It’s from a movie. We were going for this…

The weather was beautiful. It was never too cold or too warm. It never snowed during the day and we didn’t have to put chains on the tires.
I finished a book I just got from the library. It was short, but still, I had a lot of time to read.
I packed everyone and didn’t forget a thing! Everyone had what they needed and all the snow clothes fit and did what they were supposed to do.
We had fun sledding in two different spots. We found a spot to catch air at the bottom and that was fun.

All in all it was a fine trip. It could have gone so much worse! And it distracted the kids for the days before Christmas, which was the whole point. The price of the cabin was also lower because we came right before Christmas. The kids had fun and scratched their “snow” itch. I think I’ll round my original rating up to a 4/5. The kids had fun and we made some fun memories. Also, I’m ready to go home and start celebrating Christmas tomorrow.
The sledding looks like fun. I’m hoping we can go sledding today or tomorrow for an activity that gets the kids out of the house. We are in Michigan so we don’t have to go to the mountains for snow.
Fingers crossed for you that the stomach virus doesn’t spread.