It finally got cold here, well San Francisco cold. In the mornings when I was getting up the inside house temp was hovering around 57* and man was it hard to get out of bed to turn on the heat. So I finally braved the complications of the thermostat and corrected the time and set the timer. Now the heat starts pumping at 5:30am so by the time I have to get out of bed at 6am it’s not so frigid. (It also comes on in the night if it dips below 58*.)
We keep our house pretty cool (at 63*) because our gas bill is always so high. It means we all have to wear multiple layers, as well as slippers, when it’s that cold (usually by the afternoon the sun has warmed the house to at least 64-65), but man do I appreciate having the heat to at least get us to that point. And oh boy am I loving how much easier it is to get out of bed now that the heat turns on by itself. Thank you central heating!
I am seeing SF temps in mid 40’s in night time so that IS cold for SF. We are damp too which makes it more so. And, I do remember when it was -10 in Chicago and my then 12 year old said it was warm enough for shorts and I agreed but said no one in CA would understand. Temperatures are relative to location.
Cheers and thank yous!!!