These next couple of months are going to be hard for me. There will be a lot of uncertainty and I will writhe against it unwittingly, despite my best efforts. It’s going to be hard and I’m going to struggle and it’s going to suck. I know all of this. But I can also take steps to tone down all of that negativity, especially since it will exist completely in my head.
Not knowing what we are going to do with that space. Not knowing what decisions we are going to make. That kind of things drives me insane. But I need to learn how to ride these things out. I need to figure out how to be okay not knowing.
There are bigger decisions I’ve learned to let reside in constant uncertainty. I still want to live abroad with my kids, but I have no idea if I’ll ever prioritize that so it might come to pass. I’ve learned to be okay with not knowing about that – I figure when the time comes I’ll know which choice I should make and I can find peace in that place of not knowing. It’s hard for me, and makes me feel uncomfortable, but I’ve learned to ride out those long moments of grasping.
In the meantime, we will keep living our lives, watching and tracking our financial decisions, gathering data before we decide what comes next.
It’s going to be hard but it will be a good exercise for me. Somehow, at 39, I still need the practice.
You will have lots of ideas over the next period of time.
Write them in list without judgement and simply maintain the list privately. Things you might do. Places you might go. Things you might spend money on. Just note them all. Silly ideas are fine too.
Lots of support. At my age I am still working at learning to operate with some peace in times of great uncertainty and huge worries. Do not pressure your self to be some expert, just observe and notice and move on.