It was a decent weekend. Good even! Here are some highlights:
On Friday I stayed at work instead of going for a walk and got so much done. Then I had dinner with some high school friends (that is why I was hanging around at work), which was nice. Finally, I made it to the pharmacy before 8pm and got an entire year’s worth of the 14yo’s birth control. She doesn’t take the placebo week, but they never factor that into the refill date, and it’s a giant pain every three months (which was why I had to get it last minute, because AGAIN there was an issue refilling it). Now I don’t have to worry about it for a long time.
On Saturday, the 11yo stayed for all four classes at the dojo, which means that not only was I NOT asking for time while I was there, I was giving my husband time! He was really tired by the end of the four hours, but he sat out for half of the third class and then turned his attitude around for the fourth class. It was awesome to see him make it through the whole set of classes!
It was good he stayed with me all morning, because I was at book club pretty much all night. I left at 6pm and wasn’t home until past 10pm! It was a really good time, with my best friends, and I very much enjoyed it. It might have been the best book club yet!
Sunday, we had a slow, do-nothing morning and then both kids got to see friends in the afternoon/evening. The 11yo went to a birthday party from 3-7pm and the 14yo hung out with a friend. The 11yo and I walked to the birthday party and the 14yo and her friend walked to Grocery Outlet and back, so everyone got outside in the sunshine! A huge win!
My husband still feels bad and is starting to get really frustrated by it. He was in a foul mood all weekend, but at least by the end of it he recognized what a pill he was being and apologized. I’ll take it!
We finished the weekend off with some episodes of Parks and Recreation, and the last one we watched was one of my favorite episodes where every gets the flu and Andy (Chris Pratt) stays, Leslie, I googled your symptoms and it looks like you have… internet connectivity problems. Chris Pratt is so good on that show.
M: 30 min Strong Glutes Program: Week 1, Session 1
Tu: 30 min Bike Bootcamp: Core w/ Jess Sims (3/8/24) + some upper body weights
W: General class + High Belt (we did a side kick class and I was HOBBLING on Thursday and Friday) + 15 min hip mobility w/ Hannah Corbin (1/1/25)
Th: 45 mins on the elliptical + CG Dead Bug workout + 10 min foam rolling: Hips w/ Rebecca Kennedy
F: 30 min Strong Glutes Program: Week 1, Session 2
Sa: Sparring + Forms + High Belt
Su: 30 min Intervals + Arms w/ Tunde (1/10/25) + 10 min stability ball ab workout
My periformas syndrome already feels a lot better. I am so excited to be using this program to activate and strengthen my glutes. It was definitely worth spending the money.
HURRAH for all the wins!!!!!
Thrilled on your behalf.
Hope the new week is settled and productive at work.
Thank you! I also hope this weekend is chill at work. I put myself through the wringer a bit last week, but this week should be easier.
Oh, I just commented on the previous post saying ‘I hope the piriformis exercises help” and it sounds like they already are! That’s amazing. I’m glad you had such a good weekend, and I certainly hope your husband feels much better soon. Men really let everyone know when they aren’t feeling well, don’t they?
My husband gets a “man cold” every time. EVERY TIME. I lose my patience so easily. But also he does seem to get things worse than me. Or maybe it really is that he just makes a bigger deal of feeling bad. 🤣