When it all falls into place

Today we finally got someone to take care of the water damage in our daughter’s room. He took out her windows, put in aluminum flashing, sealed them tight when he reinstalled them (they don’t actually fit correctly because, like all things in our house, every expense was spared), and repaired the wall. It’s been a source of stress since the winter after we moved in, and now, seven years later, we finally got it fixed.


Our daughter really wants to paint her room – the entire house is the most boring taupe color – and now we can finally do that! Mostly it’s just nice to have a thing that was always on the back of our minds, causing stress, finally done.

(The other room that has significantly more water damage requires a complete re-do and we’re not sure what that will look like yet, or how we’ll pay the many of tens of thousands of dollars it will require to fix, so it’s being left for now.)

I also finally called the appliance repair man to see what he could do about our oven, which finally stopped working entirely after months of incredibly slow pre-heating. He came this afternoon to replace the igniter and now it works fine.

When I called the chiropractor this morning, hoping to squeeze an appointment in this week or next they had one this afternoon right after school, and I went and he saw me on time and I was out of there in under 30 minutes. My back already feels better.

Finally, I got a three day pass to the Y so I could work our while my daughter takes her two hour swim clinic today and Wednesday and a spot just opened up in the mixed martial arts aerobic class for which I was waitlisted. That class starts in 15 minutes and will be over just 20 minutes before my daughter is done. I’m stoked to take the class because there aren’t any I want to take on Wednesday and I couldn’t find my ear buds before we left today.

Today was one of those days where everything just falls into place. I really appreciate days like today.

How was your day?


  1. Hurrah for the wins!!!!!!!
    On my end we now know if you have a non-walking absolutely no weight bearing severely broken ankle are post operation with big plates in your ankle and are in wheelchair with medical documentation and trying to fly home across multiple states from where there was that evil black ice…… tsa still thinks you can stand and walk through their screening machine with no crutches. How this was resolved is not clear but person did arrive back in SF.
    Counting blessings and joys.

  2. It’s such a good feeling when you are able to get tasks accomplished, esp. for things that have been pending for a long time. I love that!

    I worked and was not as productive as I’d hoped to be. Bleh.

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