I swear it’s never my intention to just ghost y’all for so long. I clearly need some kind of posting schedule I’m at least attempting to stick to.
My husband follows Reductress on Instagram and he’s always sending me their posts, because they are hilarious and he knows I love them. When he sent me the post about this mug, I asked for it for Valentine’s Day because it really spoke to me.

This is me to a T. Every week I think, I just need to get through this week! Next week will be better! Next week thinks will finally feel manageable!
Of course, next week never comes. Or at least that feeling I’m chasing never does.
This week is that sentiment on steroids. The 7th graders are at their outdoor Ed experience so I’m not doing much with three classes a day. I have so much backlogged work I’m expecting to get done. But of course, I’m able to tackle far less of it than I hoped, and it takes longer than I expected. Yesterday there were three teachers out and no subs so I covered during one of my prep periods. Today I had an IEP that took an entire prep period. I did hunker down during my second prep and chipped away at my towering pile of papers (I start teaching at zero period and teach until 6th period so I have two prep periods during the day).
This weekend we’re going to the snow, so I have tons to do at home too. The good news is I have next week off, so I’ll have a couple days to unpack. And if I really do get as little done this week as I’m afraid I will, I can spend a day of my week off in my classroom.
In the meantime I just need to get through this week…
I also need this mug!
At this time of year I have learned to simply be totally grateful when you make time to post at all. I have also learned to not worry that something evil has occurred in your world. You simply are super busy with a very full time job, full time marriage, full time household and full time two children with active lives. Things will keep changing and you are doing magnificently.
Glad to hear you still can find your humor and thank you for writing. You give me such perspective and remind me when my world was over flowing the way yours does. It is hard. It wears. And we are lucky at the same time. LOVE the cup.
That mug is so spot on! Every single week, that’s us! “Just get through the week. Just get through.” And then on Sunday we’re confronted with: oh. Another week.
We can do this. Just two more days.