Abrupt change of (lots of) plans

Can you guess from the title?

Well, can ya?

Well if you guessed COVID, then you are correct! I tested positive on rapid tests twice this morning. It was a dry scratchiness in my throat that prompted me to take a rapid test yesterday and today. Yesterday’s was negative. Today’s were positive.

Just the faintest line, but it was there. Both times.

{I did swab my mouth and nose, because I read doing so helps the test detect the omicron variant. Just want to put that out there.}

My son tested negative, thank god, so he went to his belt test with a heavy duty mask on. My husband and daughter also tested negative so he’s also at the dojo supporting our son and she’s at the Reproductive Justice March with a friend. Both of them are also wearing heavy duty masks.

{I get to watch his test via Zoom, thank goodness. While I’m sad not to be there in person, I am just so relieved that he can be there.}

Of course my Oregon trip next weekend is cancelled. I’m also missing our Open House this week, which normally I would be super stoked about, but this year I had cool stuff to share. In the end I’m not really sad to miss it, but I’m less stoked than most years.

I went to get a PCR test this morning, from the city testing sites that bring back results WAY faster than Kaiser. I should have my result by tomorrow. I already emailed my admins and the district nurse. I always wear a respirator mask in the classroom, and now I’m so glad that I have!

Okay, so my son just finished his test and while I got to watch on zoom I was pretty devastated not to be there. In the grand scheme of things it’s fine, but it really does make my heart hurt. We have spent hours practicing and to not be there in person was rough.

I’m not feeling super great now. Body aches and chills. I’m going to sign off for now, but I’ll try to update tomorrow.

1 Comment

  1. I am super sorry and upset on your behalf. This current variant is so nasty contagious.
    Hoping you will be a lucky one and have only a mild case and no hangovers from it. Glad you have a bedroom so separate from the rest of the house. Fingers crossed rest of your family does not catch it.
    REST AND MORE REST AND THEN EVEN MORE REST. READ. Catch up on all the series you are behind on with media. Sit in the sun if you are out of the wind. And absolutely DO NOT PUSH YOURSELF IN ANY WAY!
    And you know all the rest of the drill.

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