Grateful for this holiday (and looking forward)
Well, we had a really nice holiday. And I am aware of how many people did not get to have a really nice holiday for a whole host of reasons. I am incredibly gra...
Well, we had a really nice holiday. And I am aware of how many people did not get to have a really nice holiday for a whole host of reasons. I am incredibly gra...
I’m really struggling with my anxiety around omicron right now. I’m very fortunate not to be worried about the health of my friends or family (at le...
Our Elf came! With her reindeer. The kids were so excited to see Heart and Toots sitting in our tree this morning. Our Elf is a welcome visitor. She is not spyi...
My belt test is a week from tomorrow which means it’s going to be a busy seven days. At this point I’m nervous, but not totally stressed out. I̵...
Well I guess it wouldn’t be a proper Thanksgiving if I weren’t crying on my bed, grappling with how to manage everyone else’s emotions when I&...
Our Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays have always only included grandparents, because we live close to grandparents and nobody else. I’ve celebrated Chr...
It’s Friday! Which means that by 3:05pm today I will officially be on Thanksgiving Break! Things I’m looking forward to Putting up our tree. I LOVE ...
On my last an earlier post (yes, it took me 1.5 weeks to finish this) Annie asked, I was wondering, in what way are you a selective eater? In my understanding s...
Remember how happy I was that I didn’t have to agonize over how we should spend Thanksgiving, or manage differing levels of risk aversion during a pandemi...
Today my son is testing for the third stripe on his blue belt. We have been working really hard at home to learn the form, and we have been going to extra class...