Colombia Día 9: Hiking out of Parque Tayrona

Friday was out last day in Parque Tayrona and check out was at noon. Since walking there and back took an hour total, and breakfast also provided lunch for the kids (so we couldn’t miss it), we knew we weren’t going to have much time at the beach.

We did a good job of getting to the restaurant right when it opened and ordering quickly. Then we were out the door before by 10am. Unfortunately we got lost on the way to the beach (still not quite sure how that happened) and lost about 20 minutes finding out way back. But eventually we made it la Piscina.

We were actually all pretty sunburned (I think my “reef safe” sunscreen was not sweat proof), so we weren’t so sad to have limited time in the sun.

About 30 minutes into the morning, I saw people out at the rocks where the waves break on our side of the bay, and I wondered if maybe the snorkeling was good out there. My husband said I could swim out and see and so I did. And sure enough, it was amazing.

I swam back in as quickly as I could and asked if my husband would mind packing us up so my daughter and I could go back out. Like he had so many times before on this trip, he said yes so I could do what would make me happy, even though it caused him stress.

My daughter and I suited up and went out. The coral was incredible and we saw so many cool fish. Unfortunately I was trying to take videos on the GoPro so I could later grab still shots from the videos, and none of them came out quite as I had hoped (I really wish I’d had an opportunity to play with the GoPro more before we left). Still, I managed to grab a few good pictures from the videos I took.

We only stayed out there about 15 minutes before high tailing it back to the beach and then back to the cabaña, where my husband was struggling to pack up our stuff. I helped and we got checked out just under the wire.

I went back and rinsed off in the camping showers and changed into my grimy hiking outfit, and we were off.

The hike our was hotter and harder than the hike in (a lot more up and mush less down). Our sunburns compounded the misery. But we eventually made it out. Woot!

When we got the the entrance a cab was dropping off a couple, and since he had to drive back to Santa Marta anyway, he offered us a cheap ride. It wasn’t much more than the combo of small bus, big bus and taxi we would have had to take, and it saved us a good hour. We felt like we had won the lottery.

Back at our AirBNB at Santa Marta I took the happiest cold shower of my life. Then my son and I hit up a local aquarium (seriously weird spot but he was happy and that’s all that matters) and got cash and headed back. I appreciated the opportunity to see the beach on a weekend, when the insanity was at full steam.

I went out again later and found the bus terminal we’d need on Saturday to get back to Cartagena. I also got dinner for my husband and me.

After eating we watched a few shows on the iPad then passed out. I don’t love this cheap place we got in Santa Marta and am thankful to get out of here. Cartagena, here we come (again).


  1. WHOOP WHOOP for lucking out with a cheap & easy taxi ride back to the city! I love when the stars align like that. 🙂

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