
The app for the reader I use is down. It automatically updated a few days ago and now when I try to open it, it immediately crashes. I haven’t really been able to read blogs on my phone for two days. 

I (and others) have talked a lot about how this community has changed over the years, how we feel less connected now than we used to as people we read and responded to slowly (or abruptly) stopped participating in the strangely connective dance of posting and commenting. And yet, now that I can’t access what is left of that community, I realize how much it continues to mean to me, despite all the ways it has changed. 

I guess it’s true that you rarely realize what you actually have until it’s gone. 

Of course my community is not gone, it’s just trapped in my computer, which I don’t have access to much of the day. I hope that when I update the operating system on my phone my reader will work again. In the meantime I will have to schedule more time at my computer, so I don’t feel totally disconnected. 

How do you feel when you can’t (or don’t) read blogs for a while?


  1. I shall be unconnected from computers for two weeks starting now and I was thinking how I want you know that it isn’t that I am dropping reading but that I shall be unable to comment. And I thought I was being silly to even think of writing in advance of being away. BUT, reading this, I decided I should tell you upfront that I am already looking forward to catching back up and how much I appreciate the effort you are expending in writing each day. As always, much support to you and everyone who comments here regularly as well as those who, in addition, write and post independently.

    1. You are so sweet. Thank you for letting me know–I probably would have gotten worried if I didn’t hear from you for that long!

      I hope the disconnection is for something wonderful and grounding. Please do share (if you can) when you get back.

  2. Ugh, me too!! I also feel a little disconnected, but this morning when I got to work and while having my first coffee I took a look at my reader and was glad I had so many interesting things to read. Instead of spreading it out throughout my day I’m going to enjoy catching up at lunchtime, so that’ll be nice.

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