Thanks again to Elizabeth for prompting these posts with her F.I.G. Collective! I literally just stepped in dog shit but I still need to publish this post so here we go. Needless to say, even with shit on my shoe, there was plenty to be thankful for this week.
SATURDAY 2/15 So happy it’s Saturday. And the start of my week off! The 11yo and I spent a couple hours at the dojo, but left early to see Dog Man with his friend. The 14yo joined us. We’ve read all the Dog Man books (in Spanish and English) many times, so it was fun to see the movie.
SUNDAY 2/16 The 11yo got moved up to level 6 in swimming! The 14yo never made it to level 6, I wondered if they ever actually moved kids up. But the 11yo made it and he got into the class at the same on Sundays so it’s kind of perfect. He’s a good swimmer, and I even though he isn’t currently interested in swimming on a team, I want him to have the option later. So I’m really excited that he made it into the stroke technique class, where they refine their strokes and work more on stamina.
Later my parents took the kids so the husband and I could hang out. I got to read for two hours! It was glorious. Then we both started working out separately, and came together for a couple strength classes. I was notified by Peloton that because I’m paying for the most expensive membership (so I can use it on my bike) I can create accounts for family members, which I did for my husband. It was the first strength class my husband has completed in a long time and I’m so glad he did it. I hope he keeps using his account, and all the equipment we have to build strength.
MONDAY 2/17 We finally got to try the chilequiles torta at the New Mexican spot (even though it wasn’t on the menu that day) and it was great, but not as good as their Torta Loca. I hope that is on the menu again soon.
I got to read a ton – I finished my book! – and we all watched Parks and Rec together.
TUESDAY 2/18 Yay for a day off! I got my new Rx and gave it a try. It’s not a panacea but it helps! And this week will not be a panacea either, but it’s definitely an opportunity to unwind from my tightly coiled daily head space. And I got some good things done, like taking the 11yo to the dentist, which I don’t love to do, but is much easier to get done when I’m not trying to book it out of work super quickly to pick him up. I much prefer having the opportunity to get it done this week.
WEDNESDAY 2/19 I watched a lot of Netflix and read. I also picked up a book my dad recommended, Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges, which was at my library so I didn’t even have to put it on hold. The 11yo went to his grandparents’ house and I got some of the afternoon as well. At the dojo, we did a sensitivity class that I can use for my blocking class on Saturday, which I’m very thankful for because I am no good at teach blocking classes.
THURSDAY 2/20 It was beautiful, just like my weather app had been promising all week, so I went for a run. At first my regular route was closed so I went backwards assuming I’d have to just double back instead of running the circle, but then they stopped me on the way and told me they were closing what was behind me and opening the front of my route. Woot! I felt okay. Not great, but the side stitch I had at the start went away so I’ll take it!

FRIDAY 2/21 Today did not start out great. I slept past my alarms and was 20 minutes late getting up the 14yo, so I told her I’d take her to school, but then she didn’t need a ride, but I felt bad refunding my offer so I took her. Then I went to get bagels at Noah’s, except after I paid for a dozen, eight of which were plain, they told me they were out of plain. So I waited the 40 minutes for plain bagels only because I needed to wait for PerFo to open. But when it did there was no one to check us out, so after 15 minutes they finally told us it would be another 15 minutes, which I didn’t really believe so I left. My FIG here is that a truly fresh bagel (like right out of the oven) is heavenly. Also, even though I left all the perishables for the quick grocery trip I took to kill time in the trunk of my car (now for several hours), I bought a bag of ice in case the bagel debacle took longer than expected so I think it will all be okay! Definitely not the way I wanted to end the week, but I did get my nephew’s birthday present mailed today, and I even got everyone in my family to sign the card before they left this morning.
I just had lunch with my husband downtown at an amazing Latin Caribbean spot. I haven’t met him for lunch on a work day in a long time. Definitely a FIG.
Nice to read your FIGs.
Lovely weather yesterday and today.
Yes! It’s been so cloudy, I really appreciated when the sun peeked through recently.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a fresh bagel, that sounds heavenly. We have a Caribbean/Latin restaurant here, we went last weekend, it was really good!
Yay for Caribbean/Latin restaurants. I need more of them in my life. ;D
Yikes! Dog poop and you still wrote a post about FIGs. Now that’s dedication.
Trying new prescriptions can be such a tumultuous and frustrating time. Fingers crossed you notice positive impacts <3
I'm with J – I've never had a "fresh" bagel either, but I bet they are far superior to the ones I get in the supermarket that have been on the shelf for days!
Thanks for the reminder that I should be more patient with my new prescription. I needed that reminder. And yes, the truly fresh bagel was like nothing I’ve had before. I could barely cut it, it just wanted to collapse under the knife, it was so soft.
i love this, even with all the ups and downs (I mean- stepping in dog shit is not fun.) But fresh bagels! I have had a bagel fresh out of the oven, and it’s amazing. And I love all the time you got to read this week. I need a “week of reading.”