Yesterday way ROUGH. I really struggled to get through it. But I was in bed by 9pm and got around nine hours of sleep and felt SO MUCH BETTER today. Today I felt human again.
Human, and in possession of the brain space required to get some shit done. It seems that in the absence of constant martial-arts-related-thoughts, all sorts of work shit has rushed in. I have to get a lot done in the next week. And then I have to figure out what I’m doing when I get back from the break. I really pushed a lot of my work stuff to the margins last week and I have some catch up to do. But it’s okay because now I have the time, and mental space, to do it.
I can’t believe there is only one more week of school before the break. And a little over two weeks before Christmas. That is crazy. I was so wrapped up in test prep that the beginning of December flew by. I really want to savor the next two weeks.
And sadly that means putting the kibosh on this post. Hopefully I can write more tomorrow.
THANK YOU For writing here at all. I am late catching up. Sorry.