WORK. My hard class is driving me crazy. My new favorite phrase is, I’m not going to work harder than you are, and it really sums up how I’m feeling 90% of the time in that class. The three 1B classes I had in previous years were all so great; this group of 1B students has really thrown me for a loop. But! I executed a new idea that solves several problems I’ve had in the past and I think it’s going to work! I’m really excited that I came up with such an elegant solution (honestly, it was really obvious, I’m not sure why it took me so long to come up with it). Also, someone took the flip calendar off my desk. I HATE it when shit is stolen from my room, but honestly this just perplexes me. Who would want a flip calendar? It was a gift from a student years ago, and it will probably cost $10 to replace it. It’s so weird. Finally, I’ve had fewer absences this week than in a while and it’s making my life so much easier.
FAMILY: The 14yo has been feeling some burning and tingling in her shoulder that turns into a numbness that travels down her arm when she swims. We saw her pediatrician, then a pediatric sports medicine doctor who didn’t like the weakness in her shoulder or the clicking it makes when it rotates. She has an MRI late Monday night and her first PT appointment the Monday before Christmas. I really hope she can build the strength to swim without issue. I tore my right rotator cuff and partially tore my left rotator cuff swimming year round. I stopped swimming to avoid surgery, but I still can’t pull through the water for long without feeling my shoulders. I really don’t want something similar to happen to my daughter. The 11yo is going to sparring with me tomorrow! I really hope he likes it. The husband is having a hard time at work and is probably dealing with depression. His sleep is shitty and he’s tired all the time. It’a hard, but I hope it will get better.
HOLIDAYS: The tree is up. The Elf on a Shelf (our distributor of the advent calendars) is discovered somewhere new every morning. I’m wearing my holiday leggings and tops most days. We’re planning on seeing Let’s Glow this Sunday. Most of the presents have been ordered but only a few have come.
READING & WATCHING; The 14yo and I are watching Silo on AppleTV+. I already watched season 1, but am watching it again with the 14yo so we can both watch season 2. The 11yo and I just started Cobra Kai. I’m not super enthused by the first two episodes but we shall see. The husband and I aren’t watching anything right now. I’m listening to El Club del Crimen de Los Jueves (The Thursday Murder Club in Spanish) and am about to start listening to Remarkably Brilliant Creatures for book club. I just finished Stay True for book club and have been working through the first and second books in Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series in Spanish, though I think too much is lost in the translation on these books and I’ll continue them in English.
CATS: They have grievances, especially in the hour before dinner time. But they are as cute as ever.

Thank you.
Hope shoulder improves with PT, not fun when a teen is liking swimming to face needing to give it up.
Glad you found a clever answer for work problem! It is a nice feeling.
Enjoy Let’s Glow!
Cats always have grievances!! And they are still so cute!!
I see you have a three month calendar- I have something similar but not elegant: three sheets of months printed from print your, the moment a month is over I throw it out and put up the next. Right now we have December, January and February.
I like the mid-complaint picture of your cat. Good shot.
I guess I am exercise / sport illiterate, I didn’t really realize that you could injure yourself swimming. I am a bookish lazy person. I thought that because swimming was so low impact you would be safe. I hope the MRI yesterday came through OK and that she can continue if she wants to.