Five on Friday: Start of school year

Short, but sweet, updates on life.

Work: First few days were fine. I was prepared for Wednesday, but NOT Thursday or Friday. Both days were unpleasant enough that I am determined not to make the same mistakes next week. My classes are a smidge smaller (29-32 instead of 32-35) and I’m glad for it. I have my 1B classes back to back (with my prep period in the middle) which I think will help me achieve my goal of making my 1B curriculum really solid this year. I’ll probably won’t have two 1B classes again for a while (maybe ever) so I want to take advantage of this year.

Kids: My kids had good first weeks at school. Son is doing well walking home. Daughter is feeling comfortable at her big high school and making new friends. She finally got put into Spanish 2 and is staying in Orchestra (violin). Next week their activities start up again (martial arts for son and swimming for daughter). Next week is my first full week with students. Next week will be the real test.

Home: House is a mess, but I’m trying not to let it bother me. Husband has been really underwater at work, which means I’m doing more of his chores, which means fewer of my chores are getting done. At least the refrigerators are moved! And the gross one is not in the way, so we have time to figure out what to do with it.

Exercise: Monday: Taught Basics at the dojo. Tuesday: 45 mins on the elliptical + CG’s Dead Bug workout + 10 minutes arms and shoulders on Peloton. Wednesday: 5 mile run (my first since Hawaii?! It felt weirdly rough). Thursday: 45 minutes full body strength on Peloton. Tomorrow will be Sparring + High + Forms at the dojo. Sunday: 30 or 45 minute bike boot camp.

Fun: I took my son to the new indoor mini-golf spot last Sunday. I didn’t love the new course, but I had fun with my son. I had dinner with my daughter Wednesday and she talked and talked and talked. I’m so glad she still wants to talk to me. I finally finished my slog of a Spanish book right when a bunch of library hold audiobooks came available. I’ll probably watch a movie with my husband tonight. I’m seeing my girl friends tomorrow evening. Sunday I’m taking the kids to swim at my mom’s friend’s house. Next weekend we plan to hit up Great America for the last weekend of the water park.

Panther, very curious about how her brother is on the TV.


  1. Sounds like you’ve got a lot of good things going on. But I read your previous post and I’m sorry about the low back pain! I see that you did the CG deadbug workout (my favorite!) That usually feels good on my low back- But my LB pain is more like a nuisance, sounds like yours is more serious than that. On a more positive note, I’m glad to see you’re running again!
    My house is also a mess. i’m cleaning this weekend! And, glad to hear your kids are doing well. Does your daughter’s school have an orchestra? Ours doesn’t- just bands. She’s lucky!

  2. Overall it sounds pretty great!

    Also, you’re also always underwater with work – encourage DH to keep pulling his weight at home too, just like you do. 😉

    Love when the kids still talk to us. They’re changing so quickly right now…

  3. Happy first week of school!! As I type this, I am at school, first day 🙂 no kids, just teachers. I have a million little tasks to complete, many of them digital. I am off on Friday – Monday, then I meet the students on 09/03. Congrats on the new year of teaching!

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