I spent the night in a tent with my daughter’s class Thursday night. It was 39/40 degrees. I was so afraid of being cold that I brought TWO sleeping bags, and they served me well. It was stressful to get ready for that, especially with all the meetings I had this week, but once we got there it was great. Well, once we woke up, and the anxiety I felt about being cold, and woken up all night by kids, or my own insomnia, had abated it was great. (I ended up sleeping from 12:30 to 5pm straight, which felt like a victory.)
The moon was full and so, so bright. We could see our shadows on the night hike. I’m pretty sure moon shadows have magical powers.
The next morning was cold but beautiful. The fog was amazing (I didn’t manage to get away for a proper photo.) I’m a huge fan of the fog we get in this area. It’s one of my favorite things about living here.
This city really is beautiful in ways few places are. Taking advantage of our breath taking views seems to be a theme lately and I appreciate it very much.
Seriously. This is in our city. It’s just nuts.