Driving to the coast to run really did the trick. It was cooler there and the views were beautiful. Taking the time to drive somewhere new and different really broke up the week in a positive way.
Next year we’ll have meetings every Wednesday, which is our early release day, and runs like this will become impossible. I’m so bummed out to lose these kinds of opportunities. I’ll definitely be taking advantage of the Wednesdays without meetings this spring.
It can be hard not to take it personally when people take away one of the few things you love about your job, you know? We have so little flexibility as teachers, but twice a week we got an extra two hours to do with as we pleased. I work SO MANY hours that are not part of our contract – every Friday I stay on campus until 5pm getting work done, so I don’t feel bad leaving early a couple times a month to get in a run. But not next year. I can’t believe they are taking it away.
I’m really going to miss this.

Thank you for the wonderful picture. Of course you are going to miss this!
Why was the decision make to change things like this? What was the “offical” improvement made by doing this? IF too identifying of district/school, please ignore question.
I am sorry you will lose this opportunity and so glad you got relief and joy this week.
Nice Pictures! Awesome place! I used to work as a university professor for 12 years… Now I live in another country, but I understand how it is to miss the good things of giving classes, the nice moments you get. Sorry about you not being able to take time anymore, but I hope that it is just for some time, remember just change is constant, everything else…not.
Hope tomorrow the weather and other people’s plans lets you go to the shore again after class. The weather people are muttering about more wetness…. esp near coast, and I do hope for that because drought is real but also want you to be able to maximize self-care. Cheers!