Sorry. I didn’t mean to be gone so long. Saturday was a marathon day (art store run for my daughter, sons’s belt test, book club, dinner + drinks with my girlfriends) and then Sunday I woke up sick as a dog. My throat was on fire and my nose was a block of snot. My husband, who spent Saturday purging the kitchen (the amount he accomplished is astonishing), also felt like shit on a shoe. So Sunday was a struggle.
I wasn’t sure I would be able to make it at work today, but Mondays are the worst days to be out and I knew we didn’t have enough subs, so I drugged myself up and went to sleep early on Sunday. (I also thought my student teacher could take over my classes but she ended up being out with a sick kid herself). Monday morning I felt decent enough to at least drive to work. The morning was rough but I felt better in the afternoon (kind of shocking really). I tested myself Sunday night and this morning but still wore a mask today. I probably won’t tomorrow if im still negative.
My husband stayed home but was feeling better by the afternoon. He got to stay in bed all Sunday while I made two boxes of pancakes, and helped my daughter find corn-based ingredients in our pantry, and take a picture of the price of broccoli at Grocery Outlet, and helped my son make his ginger bread house and glued the puzzle together). He managed to head out to a work event tonight and is still going to chaperone our son’s class camping trip tomorrow. We’re both pretty surprised that any of this is happening.
But I’m still tired, and when my big fat boy cat climbed on my lap about an hour ago I decided to take it as a reminder that I really could use the rest. So I’m resting, even though there are dishes in the sink and tools all over the floor (I am organizing the tools, which is a massive and disastrous category of “junk” in this house). Eventually this cat will get up and I will get going, but not yet.

Cats really do know best!
Hope you and your husband feel better soon.
Gimme that kitty!! So cute.
Gosh, you amaze me. In ways that you always, always push through and take care of other people: your kids, your students, your partner, your school. I used to be like that when I worked for a very demanding, cut-throat district. Now I am the opposite- if/when I’m sick, I use my sick days. Work be damned. I love what I do and I love my students but I will use my sick days if I am not feeling well. Those days are mine and are allotted to me by the district. Get well soon!!
Trusting son passed.
You all got a lot done on Saturday. Impressive list. SO SORRY you two then were not well on Sunday and Monday. Hope today there is big improvement for everyone (Including student teacher’s child) so the rest of the work week is better.
Why the picture of Grocery Outlet Broccoli prices? (Hi/Lo/School assignment?) And why the corn in foods in the kitchen search? (wondering if it is school teaching about food additives and the importance of ingredient listings on foods).
Glad your happy cat pinned you down for resting. Really helps to rest and hydrate when not well. Sending best wishes that you all are healthy for the end of year break so you all enjoy it!
Every night my kitty climbs on my lap right before bed and every night I give her “just ten more minutes” until an hour has passed by. Cats know what’s up!
Have a purring cat snuggling on your lap is the kiss of death for getting anything accomplished! Sometimes when that happens to me I just give up and drift off into a little nap.
Let’s see… today is Thursday. I hope you and your husband are feeling much better! I do know there’s a nasty virus going around (not covid, just a regular cold but it’s extra bad.) I hope you’re over it by now.
Ugh, I am so sorry you were sick. I know so many people who are down with *something* right now… I hope you’re on the mend.