Yesterday I was at work for 13 hours (Back to School Night). This morning I was back less than 12 hours after I left. We had a long meeting after school learning our new grade book (it sucks). It was 90* at work and the AQI was in the red. I ran a bunch of errands after work and didn’t get home until almost 6pm. Tomorrow I have four block periods and no prep. These are loooong days.
I haven’t been to the dojo in almost two weeks. I haven’t been for a run in at least that long. I’m trying to give myself grace right now, but I feel like I’m falling short all over the place. I am so glad we have pretty much nothing planned this weekend (besides date night!)
My daughter is struggling with the start of 8th grade. There is more homework to manage, more tests and quizzes. I’m glad they are ramping things up, because she needs to be prepared for high school, but right now it’s hard.
I have some kind of stomach thing right now, and it’s not pleasant. My son had something like this earlier in the week and it only lasted a few days. I hope mine is similarly short lived.
I just got our tickets for the movie on Saturday night, using the gift cards that I didn’t actually use. So that is good news.
Not a lot else to report right now. Just getting through these loooong days.

Cute earing s!
Thanks 4 sharing re eldest &school. It IS had 4 kids at this age. And harder on parents.
So glad u have weekend for you, spouse, planning.
Support 2 u
Cute earrings!! The beginning of the year is always a bit hectic here. It’ll get better, I’m sure once you are in the swing of things…