Maui 2024 Part 2 (of 3)

As you may recall in the last post, Saturday we hung at the house, slowly losing our minds from lack of sleep. Sunday we went snorkeling and Monday went to the pool.

Tuesday 7/30

Monday night it rained and Tuesday it was cloudy and damp, so we had to change our plans a little. Initially we wanted to do a hike on Haleakala’s summit, but a fire is burning up there so the summit has been closed all week. Our plan B was a hike called 13 Crossings, but it was supposed to be muddy and slippery during the best of circumstances, so we thought it probably wasn’t a good idea to attempt it after heavy rain. Ultimately we decided to hike the Hoapili Teail to the lighthouse on the southern tip of the island. We’d looked into it before, but most of the hike is over black lava rock and totally uncovered, which makes for a pretty hot combination most days, but would be perfect on a cloudy day that threatened rain.

We headed down there before lunch and started out. While the sun did come out every once in a while, it mostly stayed cloudy and we were very thankful for that.

There were lots of “blow holes” on the hike.
The first part of the hike, through a little forest by the beach, reminded me so much of Parque Tayrona in Colombia.
I love the bleached wood.
Much do the hike was over sharp black lava rock. It felt like we were on Mars.
At the end there were tide pools.
Not much was in them, but the colors were stunning.
There was so much coral on the beach at the end. It was crazy to see all the white coral mixed with the black lava rock.
We saw a TON of goats during this hike. So, so many goats.
I likes this hike a lot. I’m glad we finally got the weather we needed to attempt it.

We packed lunches for the kids, but my husband and I stopped to get food on the way home. I got a plate of poke that was AMAZING.

So big! So good!

We ran some errands on the way home, including a stop at a thrift store where my daughter found an amazing dress. Also, there was a mama hen with her chicks, that were briefly separated in the parking lot. It was quite the drama.

Together at the start.
Then mama hen and two chicks went one way…
…while the rest of the group chirped chirped in the street. Luckily they found each other in the end.

The rest of the day was pretty chill. It’s so easy to relax in Hawaii.

I have not spent nearly enough time in the hammock.
Long boat at sunset.

Wednesday 7/31

Wednesday we went back down to “the Dumps” (as the locals call it) to snorkel with our friend. I love snorkeling and this is the only week of the year I get to do it, so I’m always down.

And even though the sun didn’t come out at all, we had a great time. We saw both a turtle and an eel!

Can you spot the sea turtle? Munch on coral under the rocks?
Eel! He was snapping at me when I went down to take a video of him.
I love this guy. He let me get really close.
Angel fish! I didn’t see many of these!
Parrot fish do not like paparazzi.

We headed back to the house around 2pm. I realized I had the time and space to do a workout video outside, which was lovely.

I wish I could always workout right here.

We hung out on the beach by the house and in the hot tube for the afternoon, then my husband and I went to dinner with our friends. We hit up a sushi spot that was amazing. It was so nice to have a quiet night without our kids.


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