I made it without any problems on Tuesday. My family picked me up from the airport and we went right to a snorkeling spot. It was cloudy but we could still see a lot.

Wednesday we were supposed to go to Io Valley, but it was raining on that side of the island. Instead we went to Twin Falls. It was raining when we reached the falls, but it stopped quickly and we had a ton of fun. We even climbed down to the lower falls and my daughter and I jumped off the little cliff a couple times.

On Thursday, it was clear in Io Valley so we made reservations and headed over. The park is small and the walk is short, but I must say, the views are amazing.

After visiting the park we headed to another spot, which was also beautiful, and which had a locals swimming spot in the river. The water was pretty cold but the kids got in and jumped off a little cliff a bunch of times.

Thursday we got home with some time to spare (my husband and several other adults went to a brewery), so the kids and I walked along the water.

Thursday night we grilled at the house and the kids and I hung out in the hot tub and then ran into the ocean over and over again. It was a lot of fun.

Today (Friday) we went to the pool (again for the rest of my family) and now we’re watching a movie with another couple’s kid so they can go to lunch out alone. My husband and I hope to do that another day too.
Things at home with the cats were going pretty well, but it’s getting bad again. We considered my husband going home a day early but we think if my parents come in the middle of the day (on top of my in-laws coming in the mornings and friends coming in the evenings), he can come home with us on Monday. We also got more antidiarrhea meds in pill form, which hopefully will be more effective than the liquid meds he was struggling to take.
Last night I was really stressed out, I couldn’t really sleep and when I did I had horrible stress induced nightmares. It was not good. I hate this situation and I’m trying not to spiral about the fact that our cat unravels like this when we’re away. I’m trying just to enjoy where we are, and be thankful that people are willing to deal with literal shit for us so we can be here.

THANK YOU for taking us along with you! SO LOVELY. I am totally thrilled you all are there and enjoying your trip. This is a special time in your family and time moves so fast. Keep on enjoying yourselves!
Sorry about the cat issues at home. Hope the problem clears up and is gone before you get home and everyone heads to work and school again. I do not know much at all about cats. Best wishes the meds work.
Amazing experience!!! Thank you for sharing it with us. Sending love to your kitty so that he feels better soon! Also that picture of the kids running into the water at sunset is incredible.