Memorial Day Weekend: Long and Luxurious

It was a nice long weekend. Really nice. Well, most of it was. Monday things with the kids kind of went off the rails, but Saturday and Sunday were amazing. Even Friday was nice. We had a minimum day, which made Friday afternoon feel very long indeed. I had to get my prescription filled, which was a bummer, but I was able to get it done, and get in for a lab test. I’m glad those are off my to-do list now.

My parents picked the kids up at 1:30pm on Saturday. I spent the morning doing chores and helping them pack up. After they left, my husband and I went to lunch at new Tijuana-style taco place that was amazing. It really brought us back to our trip to Mexico City, which was only three months ago but feels longer ago. Then we saw a movie at the Roxie, before grabbing drinks downtown.

At the bar where we got drinks we watched several episodes of an anime show called Bartender: Glass of God. It’s an anime about a bartender who makes people the perfect drink. It was first a manga, then a show that ran for several seasons (thank you Google). Actually, Glass of God is the reboot of the original Bartender show. The fact that this show exists at all is insane to me. We had so much fun watching it. What a trip.

After drinks we walked into Chinatown to go to a new, very popular restaurant that my husband only got a reservation for when someone cancelled (he had an alert on some app). The meal was amazing. It was a real treat.

After dinner it was only 8:30pm, but we’d been out for 7 hours and were pretty tired. We also needed to get home to feed the cats, who are used to getting dinner at 6pm. We watched a little TV, but ended up heading to bed early.

Sunday morning we slept in. Eventually we walked to the Mission to have chilequiles sandwiches – another throw back to our Mexico City trip. We watched some of the Carnaval parade, did a little shopping, then headed home.

I worked on the summer fun book a bit, but when I went through the mail I found some coupons that give me unlimited pages plus 40% so I didn’t need to finish by Monday to get the Memorial Day deals. It was nice not to be in a rush.

I went down to my parents’ to pick up the kids around 6pm. They went to our local amusement park on Sunday and had an amazing time. We got In-n-Out on the way back and then watched some X-Men ’97. They were pretty zonked from the big day and went to bed pretty early.

Monday was a little rough. We saw the new Garfield movie (meh) in the interactive theater were water and air blows on you and the seats move. I’d wanted to try it out, and this movie seemed tame enough for a first try. It would also make what was sure to be a pretty mid movie a little more interesting. And all that was true. The movie was very meh, but the interactive experience was interesting.

Things went kind of downhill after that. My son was upset that I didn’t let him get more Pokémon cards with his own money and that meltdown lasted a long time. I didn’t get as much done around the house as I had wanted. My husband and I got into a little tiff. My daughter was stressed about a party she’s throwing on Friday that her friends can’t seem to commit to. It was just a lot of people feeling stressed and upset and I was over it by the end of the day.

This week is short and stressful with our daughter’s 8th grade promotion on Thursday and the party on Friday. This is the kids’ last “real” week of school as they only have two days next week. Summer is coming hard and fast. I’m so glad my husband and I had two lovely days this past weekend to slow down and enjoy each other. I hope that can carry us to the summer fun that’s scheduled for early July.


  1. HOW was your Mexico trip three months ago?! If I’d guessed, I would have said three weeks. Time must be flyin’ over here!

  2. Well… two really nice days is amazing! I guess three perfect days in a row would be too much to ask for. Glad you and your husband got some time together- it sounds really fun.
    And- your daughter is going to high school next year! How exciting. Good luck with the sleepover (eek!!!)

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