I’m supposed to be on a plane to Portland right now. I’m sad that I’m not.
My husband is still down for the count. He spent all yesterday in bed with a fever and body aches. Today will be day five of me being alone with my kids in my house, and I am over it.
I took a rapid this morning and it was still very much positive so no errands for me. Instead I will start thinking of sub plans for this coming week because I don’t see how this will be negative by Monday. My day 10 is Tuesday so I can (and will be expected to) return on Wednesday without a negative result (assuming I’m feeling better, which I already am).

If my kids keep testing positive like me they will miss most of their last week of school. I have no idea what that means for my daughter’s grades. It will certainly make them both very disappointed.
We will miss most of my husband’s sister’s visit and barely be able to see her kids. That is if she feels comfortable seeing us at all (both her kids are under 5 so not yet vaccinated).
Ugh, this is rough. I’ll ultimately be glad it happened but right now I’m feeling pretty bummed out.
Dang, I hope your kids get clear tests sooner than later! That last week of school is always so fun for them.
Yeah, I do too. I just did the math and if they don’t test negative they can’t go back until Friday. They do have school on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week so there is that… hopefully between those three days they will get to do some of the fun stuff.
Awe! I am sad for them….want them to be able to go.
IF you are still testing positive on Tuesday next week (I hope not) would it be wise to notify the principal/district that you are positive but following district requirements will return on Wednesday and verifying that they insure you against liability re: exposing others to an infectious disease?
I’d personally be upset if a teacher or medical person knowingly exposed me to a potentially life threatening illness due to a requirement by their employer…..
ANY WAY! STILL HOPING YOU AND THE CHILDREN ARE EMPHATICALLY NEGATIVE ON SUNDAY. Sounds unlikely for your husband but he may be ok Monday as he started illness later. HOPING.
VERY Sorry about your trip. Totally reasonable to be sad about that! Also sad to potentially not see visiting family in person. More finger crossing for negative tests!
Please rest, hydrate, and rest some more. (When you are not doing lesson plans/grading homework, etc…. so hard to work when sick!)
Huge sympathy and wishes for improved health. THANK YOU for continuing to update on situation.