It’s been a week! I’m glad it’s almost over.
I had a real post to write. I even put some thoughts down in a Note on my phone. But it’s late and I’m tired so it ain’t happening right now.
But the big news is, my daughter turned in her application to the arts school. She got her third piece done over the weekend, showed all three to her portfolio prep teacher on Tuesday, and we uploaded and submitted them today. I can’t believe that it’s finally done. I’m really proud of her.

In the end if was a google form, which felt a little anticlimactic. And she still has to go to the audition in February, where she’ll do a live drawing. But for now, she is DONE!
I got the teacher gifts and we started putting them together tonight, even though the kids have another week of school. I have all the gifts for the kids. And my parents. And my husband’s parents. My husband and I don’t exchange gifts, which is fine by me for this holiday.
I’m still snotty and my throat is sore after a day of speaking loudly in class, but I’m on the mend. I went for a short, light run yesterday and that was a mistake. I felt pretty bad and walked a lot, but it was beautiful out and I was glad for the break in my day. Tonight I did a strength training video and that felt much more manageable.
My husband is much better. He may never have been sick, but instead was over extended from the Saturday of kitchen clean up. Our son stayed well for his one night class camping trip, but now has a stuff nose and sore throat. I’ve been giving him Umcka and AirBorn, and he seems to be pretty mild. My daughter seems to have escaped this one unscathed.
Which is great news because this weekend my daughter is having three school friends spend the night. This is the first time newer school friends have stayed over and I have to admit, I’m curious to really meet them. She has a lot of friends at her middle school, a fact I’m forever in awe of, and I’m pleased to host them for her. She is super excited.
She also has a lot of work to do on her bedroom, which is a giant mess right now. One more massive, time consuming task on my to-do list. But it’s good for her to have a incentive to get it done. And we’re in a “let’s just get rid of stuff” headspace, so that should help.
And it’s almost 11pm, so I should head to bed. I’ve been trying to get more sleep this week, as I get over this cold. I’m already late getting downstairs.
Congratulations to your daughter. Finishing school and new beginnings is both exciting and scary. I’m glad you are feeling better. It can be hard to know how to train after being sick.
Over ALL TERRIFIC NEWS! And such an incentive to pick up and put away and declutter for your daughter in her room. Super win all the way around.
So glad you are feeling better. Hope everyone gets and stays healthy for the holidays! Finger4s crossed re the entire high school situation!
So happy to hear you’re feeling better and congrats to your daughter for submitting her application. I am sure that felt huge!