You know, last week wasn’t that great, but every day I was identifying bright spots I could mention and it really helped my over all mood and outlook. This week has also been ROUGH, but again, I do feel better for pointing out, to myself and others, what I appreciate. I guess gratitude practice is all it’s cracked up to be! Thanks again to Elizabeth for prompting these posts with her F.I.G. Collective!
SATURDAY 2/8 My Teens class went well. I felt decent sparring. I made it through my form for the first time. The 11yo stayed for all the classes and participated. Book club was super fun and we had a great conversation about the book (Solito, by Javier Zamora). The husband caught up on Severance so we could all (14yo, husband and I) watch tougher. It was a full, and good, day, full of meaningful connection with people I love.
SUNDAY 2/9 The weather was so beautiful that I felt I had to go for a run. And it was okay! Not great but definitely the best run I’ve had since it all went to shit a couple months ago. It gave me hope that I might feel good running again. I’ll take hope!

Also I was thankful that I had asked my GP for an Rx prescription – and received that prescription in the mail – before I woke up to a big flair on Sunday. I was able to treat it immediately and 48 hours it looked better! (Now, almost a week later, my skin looks great!)
Finally I was thankful that the 14yo had friends over, and my husband watched the Super Bowl with the 11yo so I had time to get work done on Sunday afternoon.
MONDAY 2/10 I was very thankful that my husband was able to stay home with our sick son, and that I was able to prep at work for a day away. I even got a sub that I know. It suck’s to be away from work, but it was not a bad week to miss a day.
Later I was super stoked that I remembered to get my EKG and lab test in the 30 minute waiting window after the my allergy shot. I had totally forgotten about it, but then I remembered just in time to get the EKG before they closed. I needed to get both before my appointment with the new psychiatrist to talk about changing my medication and I really don’t want anything to postpone trying new medication. I’m so glad I remembered while I was already there and don’t have to go back again this week.
TUESDAY 2/11 What a day! But I swear these are genuine, and not passive aggressive moments of gratitude. I swear!
I was so relieved to get a sub so I could stay home with the 11yo. I hate when my colleagues have to cover for me. I’m grateful my (first!) mammogram didn’t hurt much, and that the results were “nothing to worry about here.” I’m was also so happy that the bearded dragon ate a bunch. He hasn’t been eating much, and is very old, so I worry about him. But he ate so much! Hooray!

I was grateful to realize the spring on the garage door had broken at 6pm, and not the next morning so I could get a replacement spring that night. I’m grateful I was able to get the car out of the garage (thank you old Japanese shade for being tall enough and strong enough to hold it open) before my husband came home. I’m grateful that a Home Depot nearby had what I needed and that it was late so there was not traffic on the bridge to Emerycille. I’m glad I could make it work, even though the spring I got was actually too long. It’s not perfect but it will do! Honestly I’m most thankful that no 5r4one was hurt when the spring broke. It’s so old and I knew it would give at some point. I’m so glad no one was in there to get hurt.
WEDNESDAY 2/12 I so appreciated that my husband stayed home with the 11yo again so that I could go to work, and then that our staff meeting was “department time” so I could sneak out early and get the 14yo to her dentist appointment. I also really appreciated my husband being okay with me going to the dojo, since he’d already been home with the 11yo all day. Oh and I almost forgot! At school a trio of Black musicians and dancers came for an assembly and in the end all the kids came out to dance! It was so wonderful to see. Not only was there no attitude or inappropriate behavior/remarks, but the kids seemed to genuinely enjoy it. The staff also came out to dance and nobody took photos to post later. It was a really positive experience and put me in a good mood.

THURSDAY 2/13 Again I was SO GRATEFUL that my husband stayed home for a third time (for the 11yo’s FOURTH DAY at home) so I could go in a complete a grueling day. It was long and it sucked, but I was so glad to be there for it. It would have been a disaster with a sub. Oh, and I slept through the night! I don’t even remember waking up to pee. And I was asleep around 11pm so I got SEVEN STRAIGHT HOURS! It definitely helped me get through the day. Also, the 11yo didn’t throw up! So he gets to go back to school tomorrow! THANK ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THIS WORLD!
FRIDAY 2/14 Could I be more thankful that the 11yo is at school today? No. I have exceeded maximum gratitude. Truly! He is finally well! I’m thankful the storm passed and today wasn’t rainy. We need the rain, but some days off in between are always welcome. I love that my mom made the kids Valentine’s bags full of fun treats. She always gave me a nice Valentine’s Day card and little gift and it helped take the sting off a day that always left me feeling lonely and unloveable. It made me happy to see my kids get something fun too, and made me remember how much I appreciated her thoughtfulness on this day when I was a kid. And of course, while I still don’t love this “holiday,” I do love that I have a partner now to say Happy Valentine’s Day too. Finally, I could not me more impressed with the 14yo, who lets friend drama roll off her back and embraces opportunities to hang out with everyone, even if it can feel complicated. Yay for her Galentine’s Day party tonight!