End of Break Recap + Winter Break Workouts

I didn’t mean to take a break, but now it’s January 5th and tomorrow everyone has to return to their regularly scheduled programming tomorrow. I don’t even have a staff day to start, like I usually do, so it’s a regular five day week for me. Sob! Just the getting up part is going to be so brutal. We’re all sleeping in until 8:30am at this point, some days I’ve not woken up until past 9:30am! My body gets better sleep from midnight to 8am, so I give myself that time when I can, but next week is going to be like a time change on steroids. Blerg.

The end of the break was kind of weird. I wasn’t feeling great. I’m still not, but things are not as dire as they were on Friday. For several days I’ve been kind of shaky, like my limbs are weak and I need to hold the hand rail when I walk down the stairs. Also my lower back and hips really hurt and and hamstrings my are super tight. I’ve been in considerable pain in the car especially, but doing any kind of sitting hurts. I have no idea what is going on. I wonder if it’s this virus we’ve all had? Or anxiety? I really don’t know what is going on but I’m not a fan. And I hate when I’m in pain and I don’t know what to do to get rid of it. I’ve been doing hip mobility work, and I’m sure my psoas is super tight, but I’m not sure what I’m doing that is creating such a drastic imbalance and making everything hurt. I’m so tired of my body doing this to me.

{The virus we got was major! It hit the worst like five days in, which was so unexpected. Just when you think you should be feeling better, and you spend a day feeling the worst you’ve been. We’re all still coughing, almost two weeks later. It was a doozy.}

Anyway, I’m not sure what is wrong with me, but I still managed to get some workouts in. Here is my workouts for the break (actually, this starts the Monday before the break started).

{I am still trying to figure out 2025 goals and even just January Must-Dos. I’ve been letting myself do not very much and I’m trying to be okay with that!}

M (12/16): Rest

Tu (12/17): Sparring Concepts + Sparring

W (12/18): Rest

Th (12/19): Sim’s 60 Pop (my first 60 min bike bootcamp!)

F (12/20): 50 min run (felt terrible)

Sa (12/21): 10 mins Arms & Shoulders w/ Rebecca Kennedy + 10 mins Glutea & Legs w/ Jess Sims + 10 min stability ball ab workout

Su (12/22): Hiking around in knee deep snow for three hours (seriously exhausting)

M (12/23): 25 mins of PiYo Scuplt

Tu (12/24): Rest (drive home + Xmas Eve w/ my parents)

W (12/25): 30 min run by my IL’s house (felt AWFUL, but ran into my dojo friend)

Th (12/26): Rest (realized Xmas day run felt bad because I was getting sick again)

F (12/27): 60 min Bike Bootcamp w/ Jess Sims (5/16/23)

Sa (12/28): 30 min Interval & Arms w/ Tunde (10/10/24)

Su (12/29): Rest

M (12/30): 40 min walk to dojo + 60 minutes of forms (I learned my whole form!) + CG Dead Bug Workout

Tu (12/31): 60 min run (probably actually ran 45 min) + 10 min stability ball an workout + 10 min Arms & Shoulders

W (1/1): Didn’t do a damn thing. Didn’t even put a bra on. Happy New Year!

Th (1/2): 55 min run (probably actually ran around 40 mins). After this is when I started to feel really bad.

F (1/3): 30 min Bootcamp: Bodyweight w/ Tunde

Sa (1/4): Sparring + Forms + High Belt class at the dojo + 15 min Hip Mobility w/ Hannah Corbin

Su (1/5): 30 min Intervals & Arms Ride w/ Tunde + 10 min Foam Rolling: Hips w/ Rebecca Kennedy

December Must-do and Hope-to Accountability

Well, my parents are taking our kids tonight, but my husband finally got what everyone else got, which means he’s super sick (because he always get it AFTER everyone else, and WORSE than everyone else). So I guess I’ll just be enjoying some time away from my kids, which honestly is fine. We’ll have to reconnect some other time, because it’s certainly not happening this break. Instead, let’s see how I did on my December Must-Do and Hope-to tasks.


Ugh, this is becoming a thorn in my side! It was hard to do before Christmas because it’s where wrap and where I packed us for the snow. Then hard to do after Christmas because it’s where I was unpacking us from the snow, and putting the Christmas stuff as I started to put it away. It’s kind of done, but not enough. I crossed out the things I did manage to do. I think I need to actually host people down there for it to all happen at once, and the space to look pristine (or my version of pristine). Without that, I only manage to get stuff done in waves, and it never looks or feels really nice down there.

Tasks: Pick up main space. Pick up kitchen. Clear surfaces in bathroom. Clean all floors. Dust/wipe surfaces. Clean shower. Change sheets


Tasks: Inventory what we have for kids. Inventory what grandparents have for kids. Identify outstanding (what we still want to get). Purchase outstanding. Wrap and label. Sort by house (we spend Christmas morning at the in-laws’ and Christmas afternoon at my parents’ so I have to be strategic about which presents get opened at each house).

I had this all done a FULL WEEK before Christmas day. WOOOOT!


Why do I not want to do this? Seriously, I think there is some kind of psychosomatic issue surrounding this for me. I did NONE OF IT. I guess I need to find another present for my mom for her birthday.


Tasks: May YMCA Aftercare receipt, Rec & Park camp receipt, Legarza camp receipt, Submit paperwork + receipts

I just got this done on December 31st, partly because I wanted to be able to check it off for this post.


Tasks: Find out what we can do with fridge (will Recology take it? – UPDATE: YES!). Schedule pick up. Get it outside. Bring clothing donation to Salvation Army. Clean out whatever else is behind the fridge. Put it out with fridge pick up. Add other items from house to pick up.

I did this! But I missed some other items for pick up. I’m trying to put them in a Note on my phone so the next time I do a pick up I won’t forget anything. It honestly might be soon because our microwave broke right before the snow trip.


Tasks: Print planning calendar. Look at last year’s plans. Write out 1A plans. Write out 1B plans. Put Nov/Dec/Jan on Tri 2 planning document? (I really hope to do this, but it’s not necessary)

I did finally start looking at school stuff yesterday, but I’m still going to move some of this to January. I did plan the next three weeks of 1A and two weeks of 1B and I actually inputted about four weeks of both into the Tri2 planning document at school before I went on the break. But I have a kind of big work thing I need to get done before I go back, so the rest of this will have to wait. I also want to check some resources before I finish planning 1B (which is why I only got through two weeks).


Tasks: Take apart kids’ little trees. Take ornaments off tree. Take lights off tree. Take down tree and put in bag in shed. Put ornaments in boxes. Cull old ornaments so new ones fit. Put everything in Christmas box. Take down door decoration and put in box. Put big box up. Wash Christmas clothes. Pack Christmas clothes. Put clothes box in shed.

This was not a December must-do but it should have been so I’m adding it. It took like two days and it sucked and I should have remembered I’d have to do it.


Some of these are fully self-indulgent because it’s December and I want to enjoy one of my favorite months a little.

  • Watch all of Silo with 14yo (we’re one episode away, mostly because we’ve been watching Severance).
  • Watch Elf and Home Alone with the 11yo (he watched both of these elsewhere this year. Boo!)
  • Rewatch Severance (we just finished season 1 last night, season 2 starts January 17th!)
  • Clean out 11yo’s room and donate old toys (Hahahahaha! Did not even begin to attempt this. But most of his presents were clothes or PS5 related, so we don’t need to find space for new toys. Still, I need to do this).
  • Clean out 14yo’s room and donate old stuff (LOL. Um no.)
  • Hang all clothes on new non-slip hangers (I actually saw the hangers at Costco earlier on Monday and that was the first time I remembered about this. Maybe I’ll attempt it while my husband is sick?)
  • Organize closet drawers (Blerg, I really do need to do this. Again, maybe before I go back?)
  • Organize garage shelves (I was just thinking how the garage is driving me crazy. Maybe I’ll start this too. The garage is always a stress inducer for me, but it’s so easy to just walk out of that space.)

I guess I did okay in December. And now for January’s Must-do and Hope-to tasks. I hope to get those up before Monday.

2024 Recap (answering questions)

SHU copied this format from Lisa, and I thought it would be a fun, because 2024 was actually a really eventful year for me. And while I was super impressed with Kae’s Rapid Fire Year in Review, I don’t think I could remember that much from each month (did she write those out as the year progress?!) and I wasn’t quite sure how to go back and recap the year. This will definitely help me.

1) What did you do in 2024 that you’ve never done before? My husband and I went on a six day trip to Mexico City without our kids. We’d never been on a trip without them before.

2) Did anyone close to you give birth? Nope, but very good friends announced that they are pregnant!

3) Did anyone close to you die? No, but a good friend lost her mother very recently.

4) What places did you visit? Well, we did some camping and some traveling this past year.

  • Camping at Pinnacles National Park (this was actually the very end of 2023, but it started our attempts at camping)
  • Grass Valley with friends for New Years 2024
  • CDMX (Ciudad de México/Mexico City) with husband in February
  • Camping at Joshua Tree in April
  • Camping at New Brighton State Beach (near Santa Cruz) in June
  • KOA in Petaluma (w/ 10yo’s friends) in June
  • St. Louis (to visit extended family) in July
  • Chicago (visiting friends) in July
  • Maui (with friends) in August
  • Camping trip in September
  • Snow trip to Pioneer in December

5) What would you like to have in 2025 that you didn’t have in 2024?  A better system with my husband to make sure we’re both getting the time we need to pursue our interests.

6) What dates from 2024 will be etched in your memory forever? January 4th we celebrated our 17-15-10 anniversary. (17 years together; 15 years domestic partners; 10 years married). No other specific dates come to mind. Oh! And whatever day we saw Chappell Roan at Outside Lands! I think it was 8/11.

7) What was your biggest achievement this year?  I tested for my high blue belt. My 20 years of teaching was acknowledged by my district. I did a big re-organization of my home.

8) What was your biggest failure? I didn’t keep my home organized.

9) Did you suffer from illness or injury? I injured my knee pretty badly in late February. It was my first major injury and it required an MRI and PT and had changed the way I can move. It’s been a hard adjustment to be sure.

10) What was the best thing you bought? Hmmm. Despite the fact that the first one was broken, and replacing it was a giant PITA, I really do love my Dyson v12 Detect Slim because of the hardwood floor attachment. I had no idea how much gross shit is on my hardwood floors until that little green light showed me.

11) Where did most of your money go? Travel. And that is because we stopped paying for aftercare in the fall. Woot!

12) What did you get really, really excited about? That trip to Mexico City. Except I was also really stressed out about getting my house ready for my in-laws to stay there before we left.

13) What authors did you discover in 2024? Wow, I really don’t keep track of what I read at all (and after reading about NGS’s spreadsheet I know just how much I COULD be keeping track), but I’m pretty sure I didn’t really “discover” any authors, because I can’t think of a book I read because I liked another book written by that author. But some of the books I really liked this year were:

  • Momfluenced by Sara Peterson, which led me to the first season of the podcast Under the Influence which I really enjoyed. (Turns out I don’t like to be on social media, but I like to read and listen about social media.)
  • In the Dream House; A Memoir by Carmen Maria Machado (book club)
  • Nuestra Parte de Noche by Mariana Enriquez (Our Share of the Night in English)
  • The City and the City by China Miéville (super weird, listened to this in Spanish while my husband read it_
  • The God of the Woods by Liz Moore (great audiobook)
  • Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera (please listen to this, so good as an audiobook)
  • You could make this place beautiful by Maggie Smith
  • Curdle Creek by Yvonne Battle-Felton (the audiobook of this is great – I loooved the first half and like the second half – I read this because my husband got it and it looked interesting

Honestly, I have no idea what I even read this year. I know there was more than this, but I can’t search my checkout history on Libby or Boundless so I’m not sure. I might keep better track this year.

14) What do you wish you had done more of? Getting good sleep? I have seem to have no control over this on though.

15) What do you wish you had done less of? Arguing with my kids about screen time.

16) How did your spend Christmas? We got home from the snow on Christmas Eve, spent that evenign with my parents, Christmas Day morning with my in-laws and evening with my parents.

17) What was your favorite TV program?  Hmmm. I’m not sure. Maybe I’m also not sure what I actually watch? I LOVED rewatching the first season of Silo with my daughter. And the first season of Severance. Our family like Monarch a lot. I don’t know if I have a favorite TV program from this year. Actually, it was probably season 11 of Vanderpump Rules. 🤣

18) What did you want and get? A renewed commitment to martial arts and the dojo. Also a ticket to see Chappell Roan at Outside Lands. 😉 Oh, and my good friend was able to join us in Hawaii this summer.

19) What did you want and not get? For my husband to support my time away from home.

20) What was your favorite film of 2024?  Deadpool & Wolverine. Fucking loved it. Would watch it a million times.

21) What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? Went out to dinner with my friends, which is when they gave me the ticket to Outside Lands! Oh, and I turned 44.

22) What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Better communication with my husband.

23) Who kept you sane? My cats. And my friend at work.

24) Who did you miss? My college friends. I only saw one of them this year.

25) Who was the best new person you met? The woman who helped me with my back.

26) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2024.  It might take a long time, but you can heal.

27) Show us one of your favorite photos from the year.

First night in Mexico City, at Rayo.
Joshua Tree at night
Shea Aquarium in Chicago
Swimming with sea turtles in Maui
Chappell Roan at Outside Lands
Two cats
Also, two cats

Not doing great

Here is the part where I confess that the this break has been very…bleeg. It has not been great. The snow was okay. The 11yo was sick and that really tainted the whole thing. Christmas Eve and Day were stressful. I have been kind of sick since we got back and the 14yo had been quite sick (sinus blockage and crazy coughing). My husband and I have not been getting along great. We’ve all been with each other 24/7 and it’s starting to wear on us.

The hot water attachment for the bidet failed and scalding water shot all over our bathroom. I had to crouch in front of the scalding water to turn off the attachment and it hurt and I got soaked. There was a half inch of water on the floor. This was after a small leak on the attachment at the toilet end (that was so infrequent we didn’t notice it), accumulate enough water in the floor boards that it was leaning into the garage. I think fixing that leak is what caused the attachment to fail under the sink. I guess our water pressure was too high for it to handle (this is not the first appliance our high water pressure has ruined). So we will have a cold water bidet.

Our two nights away from the kids at the end of this week is cancelled because my dad had been really sick for almost a week. We can’t even do anything tonight when the 14yo is at a sleep over because my MIL is sick too so they can’t take the 11yo. I guess the good news is we didn’t have anything specific planned. It would have been nice to spend some time together reconnecting after how poorly we’ve been getting along but it is not to be.

I ran today and felt awful. Well, the first third felt okay. I stopped less than on any other run! But then I had a weird coughing fit (like something was caught in my throat) and then I had a massive side cramp covering my whole right side for the second third and then I felt just regular shitty for the last third. When I came home I could’ve even do my favorite 10 minute Arms and Shoulders class with the weights I usually use! My lower back has been hurting again and my knee had felt weird ever since snow. I just don’t feel good physically at all. Which is exacerbating how bad I feel mentally.

I ran today because it was sunny and I haven’t been in the sun in ages, so at least there was that.

I feel like I have nothing to look forward to this break except going back to work. Which of course I don’t look forward to at all.

It’s just not a great way to end 2024. But I guess this year has been a dumpster fire globally, so maybe it’s an apt way to end it. I was looking back at a post at the end of 2023 and I wasn’t looking forward to 2024 (mostly because of the election – god if I’d known how it was going to end up back at the start of the year, I’d have been devastated).

So yeah. I’m not in a great space mentally or I guess physically (even though I have no idea what is wrong physically). I hope things turn around in the five days before schools starts again.

At least I got the Christmas stuff taken down and put away. That had been stressing me out and now it’s done.

I’ll be posting a recap of my December goals and then maybe some thoughts for 2025 later this week. At least I hope to. We’ll see if it happens.

(And yes I realize these are all first world problem and yes I’m grateful for everything I have (which is so, so much). I’m just in a wonky head space and it felt disingenuous to post like I was feeling fine, when I’m just not right now.)

Five on Friday: Winter Break To-Dos Edition

It is Friday right? I honestly have had no idea what day of the week it is, which means my mind really has been taking a break! But I feel like, as I come out of the haze that is Christmas week, my mind is starting to get into gear again. Mostly, it’s stressing me out with to-do lists and other stuff. Here is stuff I hope to get done in the next week. (I’ll admit, this is mostly an exercise for me, so make sure I feel positive about my time off at the end of it.)

PACKING UP AND PUTTING AWAY. I know this will get done, so maybe it’s silly to write it here, but I’m feeling the itch to put away the snow and Christmas stuff. I started putting the snow stuff away, and I’ve packed all the Christmas clothes that are clean. We’ll all wear Christmas sweaters to WinterFest tonight and then I’ll wash them and pack them away too, and all the Christmas clothes will be done. I’ll probably take the tree down early next week. I might wait a little longer on the lights in the outside entry way. Mostly, I just want to get the house in order again. It’s felt cluttered and frustrating for a long time, and I don’t want to start the new year that way.

PLANNING + GOAL SETTING. I need to plan for work for the next two months (to the end of Trimester 2). I’d love to get all of Tri2 in a planning document, but that might not happen over the break; as long as I get it on paper I’ll be fine. I want to set a few goals for 2025, but I’m honestly pretty shitty with goals. Did I make any for 2024? I honestly have no idea. I guess I’ll go back and check on the blog to see. (UPDATE: I did not make goals last year, in fact I categorically rejected them. Ha!) I think I’ll make some goals for the second half of the school year (first half of 2025), because August feels like a lot more of a “new year” for me than January.

CHILL TIME. I want to finish my current (physical copy) book, Tu sueño imperios han sido and most of my book club (audio)book, Remarkably Bright Creatures. I want to watch the first season of Severance with my daughter (we started last night and are on episode 3), and The Matrix as a family. I hope to hang out with friends at least once, and enjoy a two night staycation with my husband (while the kids stay with my parents).

KIDS. I want my daughter to do her shoulder exercises 5x a week. I want my son to start reading at least an hour a day. I want both of them to see some friends. I want us all to hang out some, but not a ton, because we’ve been doing that for a week straight.

WORKING OUT. I want to focus on the bike, and not running, because I’m sick of feeling awful when I run. Also, today I went to log into the bike and was informed that the account associated with it had expired. I was then prompted to up my subscription to Peloton All Access ($44/mo) from my App Plus membership ($24/mo). I also had to pay $99 to re-register my bike! I guess since it was used there was some account still associated with the bike from the old owners, and I was able to use my Plus membership to do Cycling and Bike Bootcamp classes on it for just $24/mo, but once that account expired I could no longer use it that way. I remember Sarah mentioning that it was $44 a month to use the bike, and I was so thrilled when that seemed not to be the case. Anyway, I’m spending quite a bit more to use it now, so I want to be on it. Having said that, it supposed to be sunny next week, and I’m sure I’ll run at least once. I just want to feel good when I run again. It’s been soooo long.

Annnd, I’m finally posting this at 9:48pm my time. It’s already Saturday on the other side of the country! Oh well, better late than never.

Here are some pictures from WinterFest today. Going was part of why this post is up so late.

One of the main walkways.
One of the covered bridges.
The ice rink (normally it’s a big fountain) and the carousel from the big tower ride.

Christmas Eve & Day

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve started at the cabin in Pioneer. It was pouring rain, which sucked for packing the car and driving home. We were in the car by 10am and home by 2pm. We stopped at our house to unpack the car, then drove down to my parents’ house for Christmas Eve. We went to the two crazy blocks of lights early, right as it was it was getting dark, but there were still so many people there!

Crazy ornament tree
This is not even a crazy house.
This one is so crazy that people are always in front of it.

We had a lamb stew for dinner and then headed home around 7pm. The kids were pretty tired, so they were asleep by 9-10pm. I stayed up too late folding laundry and watching TV. Luckily we weren’t up until 8:30 the next morning! Woot!

Christmas Day

Christmas Day we headed to my in-laws’ house by 9:30. At this house both kids got their biggest gifts, the 11yo got a PS5 and the 14yo got Tyler the Creator tickets. The 11yo was so overwhelmed he just stood up and walked away for several seconds. The 14yo actually cried.

We finished opening gifts at the IL’s, then I went for a very short (very awful) run, where I at least ran into my good friend from the dojo, which made it feel worth it. We had homemade pizza for lunch, then we headed back to our house to shower (me) and set up the PS5 (husband, and then me and husband, because we had to reorganize and rewire the whole TV stand). We were at my parents’ house by 3:30 and the kids were opening presents by 3:45. We also got my parents a few things and they got us stuff.

I got my parents tickets to see a live reading of Airplane and a discussion with Albert Brooks at SF SketchFest (both in mid-January), plus an orchid LEGO set for my mom (from the 14yo) and a Warriors bobble head for my dad (from the 11yo).

They got me a Whirlipop popcorn pot (mine is a mess) and a bidet toilet seat (which took me ALL DAY to install today, like SEVEN HOURS).

After presents, we watched Red One, because we don’t have Prime Streaming anymore (but my parents do) and it’s the kind of movie my parents enjoy. And they did! And so did pretty much everyone else, so it was a good choice.

We went back home after the movie and found that our internet was not working great and none of the games had downloaded on the PS5. This was a big disappointment for the males on our family. But we made it to bed and the big day was officially over.

The tree at my parents’ house.

Christmas Traditions: Heart and Toots

Another Christmas tradition that I cherish (even though every year I’m so relieved to be done with it) is our Elf on a Shelf. Her name is Heart, and she has a reindeer named Toots (both names given by my children), and she has never been some snitch sent by Santa to spy on my kids. Instead, she is the distributor of advent calendars. Every day she is found in a new spot, with Toots and two little stockings with small surprises.

Heart and Toots always start in the Christmas tree.

The little presents aren’t much. Each kid gets an advent calendar for the year and each day they get that present in Heart’s stocking. On the weekends they get a little something extra, like lip gloss or hand cream for the 14yo or a sweet treat for the 11yo.

As the weeks pass, Heart puts on different shirts. On the weekends she usually wears her robe. She also has a sled and an airplane that make appearances.

Weekend robe

Last year I was worried I was deceiving my children, and while I made sure they now-14yo knows I’m Heart, I’m not sure the 11yo does. (When I was looking for a post with pictures of where I place Heart and Toots, I couldn’t find one, but I did find a post from 2017 where I lamented the fact that it was probably the last year my daughter would be believe in here. HAHAHAHAHAH!)

I even took Heart and Toots to the cabin with us this year. It felt too sad to miss the final three days with them, and I hadn’t unveiled her cute new monster sweatshirt yet.

Their debut at the cabin.
I love when I can get Heart to hold this pose.

Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today, no matter what you celebrate.

Snow Trip 2024

No Weekend + Workout Recap today, because I need to get a quick post up about our trip to the snow (which took up the weekend). I think I’ll post a “Winter Break Workouts” at the end of the break, to see how I did while I was off.

The snow trip has been… fine to good. Probably a 3.5/5 stars. Instead of doing a day by day. I’ll do some highs and lows for the trip.


We hit a lot of traffic on the way up and it took a couple hours longer than anticipated.

The 11yo was sick the first night. He threw up multiple times, looked awful and was running a low fever. I was worried for him, the trip, and all of us (possibly getting what he had).

The 11yo felt better on Sunday, but not great. He went to the sno-park with us, but spent most of the time just lying in the snow where we were playing.

Our sled kept deflating and the snow tube I got from the Stockton Costco on the way up wouldn’t inflate with our pump. I was super bummed about the snow tube. I really wanted to try it.

The 14yo ran the sled into a tree, but luckily bailed out to the side into the branches instead of plummeting head first into the trunk. She was fine, but her face got scratched up pretty badly.


There was plenty of snow. I was worried there wouldn’t be much snow at the parks because December is early in the season, but there was plenty.

The 11yo stopped puking and no one else started. All the appendages crossed that the not-puking holds.

The cabin we’re staying in is cute. There are two twin beds for the kids (instead of a bigger bed they have to share). Four logs in the fire stove keep it warm all night long.

We built a snowman, well actually a snow bunny (a la Hundreds of Beavers, the super random movie my son and husband love).we also had a snowball fight.

Yes. She has boobs. It’s from a movie. We were going for this…

Snow Bunny from Hundreds of Beavers
Snow ball coming my way

The weather was beautiful. It was never too cold or too warm. It never snowed during the day and we didn’t have to put chains on the tires.

I finished a book I just got from the library. It was short, but still, I had a lot of time to read.

I packed everyone and didn’t forget a thing! Everyone had what they needed and all the snow clothes fit and did what they were supposed to do.

We had fun sledding in two different spots. We found a spot to catch air at the bottom and that was fun.

Me catching air.
14yo flying
Me on my stomach
The husband giving it a try
The 11yo finally tried it at the end

All in all it was a fine trip. It could have gone so much worse! And it distracted the kids for the days before Christmas, which was the whole point. The price of the cabin was also lower because we came right before Christmas. The kids had fun and scratched their “snow” itch. I think I’ll round my original rating up to a 4/5. The kids had fun and we made some fun memories. Also, I’m ready to go home and start celebrating Christmas tomorrow.

Christmas Tradition: “Stuff they’re into” Ornament

While the photo ornaments are very special, I also treasure the “stuff they’re into” ornaments too. Every year I get each kid at least one ornament based on something they were into that year. Some years they get more than one! At this point the vast majority of ornaments on the tree are ones I gave them in the past.

Here are some of the ornaments I’ve given them in the past.

My daughter was SO into My Little Pony for so long. And my son still loves all things Mario, including Yoshi. You’ll also notice an Elf ornament, because that is one of our favorite Christmas movies.

They were both so into the Garfield comics for so long. My in-laws kept all my husband’s Garfield books and both kids read them until they literally fell apart.

Oh my god my son was SOOO into Pokemon. He still has so many cards in his room. I wonder how old he’ll be when he’s willing to part with them. I’ve spent many an hour playing Pokemon. I’m actually pretty good when I’m allowed to play a decent deck.

The 14yo was very into Pusheen. He’s still a family favorite.

The 11yo was a big LEGO builder for many years. We have probably thousands of dollars of LEGOs under the couch, let alone in his room. When I saw these ornaments you could build and put in the globe ornaments I bought everyone I could find. We have five on our tree each year. Their red ribbons fill out the tree.

Our family was so obsessed with Shaun the Sheep, but I could not find any ornmanets of them, so I bought a set of figurines and made ornaments. I wrote a whole post on how I used to do this all the time, when the kids were young.

This year the 11yo got a Fortnite llama, because he’s obsessed with Fortnite.

The 14yo got a Hello Kitty ornament, because I desperately wanted to get her one last year, but I couldn’t find one anywhere. This year I came across one randomly and snatched it up!

This year I got my husband his first ornament, a Luchador mask to represent our trip to Ciudad de Mexico last year.

Which reminds me that I try to get ornaments from places we visit, but I’m not always able to (like in CDMX). But I have managed it on occasion.

St. Louis. We spend a couple weeks EVERY SUMMER there.
London (we visited my sister there in 2022)
Charleston, South Carolina. we visited my cousin and her kids there in 2022.

But it’s the ornaments for the kids, that represent what they are into that year, that I love the most. Tomorrow they are both getting one more ornament from Heart, our Elf on the Shelf, because I saw them on sale at CVS and couldn’t help myself. The 11yo is getting Homer Simpson in a Santa suit and the 14yo is getting a Minecraft axolotl, because when she was younger we had to hear about how cool the axolotl update in Minecraft was going to be for a full year.

More on Heart for the next Christmas Tradition post.

Christmas Traditions: Photo Ornaments

I think one of the reasons I love Christmas is that we have some lovely traditions attached to the holiday. We’re not always great about traditions, but Christmas is full of them! I’m hoping to write about a couple of our Christmas traditions, but now that we’re leaving on Saturday, I’m not sure I’ll get them up. I really wanted to do this one though, so I’m making it happen!

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is ordering a new photo ornament. I have one for every year since the 14yo was born. Sometimes it’s just a random photo I use, other times the ornament memorializes a trip we took that year. For two years, I used our Halloween photo! Here are all the yearly photo ornaments I’ve made so far. Enjoy seeing our faces for once! (I don’t know what I’m okay posting photos of photos, it makes no sense, but I’m going to do it anyway).


We also have some photo ornaments of the pets. Our bearded dragon lets us put outfits on him, so we dressed him up for his ornament. We made a remembrance ornament of our cat who died two years ago, and that same year we got an ornament of our new kittens (whose real names you’ll see on the ornament!)

Every year I get to put out these ornaments and remember the special moments shown on them. Also, their red ribbons are an important addition to our tree!

All of these ornaments are from Shutterfly. I think there is one kind of ornament I have not ordered from them. I looked this year at other sites to find something new and different and nothing I saw looked very good. If you know of a site I can order photo ornaments, I’d love to know what it is! I also give the ornament I make to both sets of grandparents, so I definitely want them to be good quality.

Anyway, photo ornaments is one Christmas tradition I love. I hope to share more in the coming days.