We get today off (Juneteenth observed) so the kids don’t have camp and my husband doesn’t have work. My parents took the kids last night and my husband and I went to a nice bar with amazing cocktails and super good food. I saw a family friend that was working there which was fun. It was a nice night.
Today we were supposed to swim at my mom’s friend’s pool but the water is green and they can’t seem to fix it, so we’re going to Great America’s water park instead. You may remember that I was just there last weekend (with my daughter’s friends for her birthday) and it was totally nuts. I’m really hoping today is less crazy, but with it being a day off for many people, and a high temperature forecast, I’m guessing it will be nuts again.
Next week the kids have camp at the same park which means we get to enjoy four days of the same drop off and pick up. I’m VERY excited about this. Probably too excited.
We leave for St. Louis a week from Tuesday. I got some packing cubes, and I’m going to start packing the kids’ clothes this week. Luckily the clothes they need for St. Louis’s hot weather and the clothes they need for camp in cold, windy San Francisco are very different.
Friday my daughter got to bring her bearded dragon to camp drop off. He did great and she was very excited to show him off.

This past weekend was a nice one. We spent Saturday morning at Corgi Con on Ocean Beach. My kids are obsessed with corgis (you may remember that meeting my sister’s corgi is one of the main reasons we are going to London this summer) and they’ve been waiting for this bi-annual event to resume since the start of the pandemic (the October Corgi Con was cancelled last minute). Every where we looked there were super cute corgis. So many amazing costumes and so many cute corgi butts.

I went to my friend’s birthday dinner on Saturday night. It was fun to get dressed up and see the ladies. It’s been a while since we went out.
The only hiccup this weekend was learning that our son’s friend, who spent two hours at our house on Saturday, tested positive for COVID on Sunday. I guess we’ll be seeing his well our antibodies hold up!
There is more to report but if I don’t publish this now I won’t until tomorrow.
UPDATE: This didn’t post until “tomorrow” (today) because my WordPress app sucks. Oh well. Here it is, a day late.
Sounds like a good summer weekend!
Sounds like a really good and needed weekend and you sound less ‘stressed beyond safe’. Your daughter’s earring is lovely and delicate. Her pet must have been a huge hit!
Thank you also for sharing the corgi’s. So excited to be going vicariously to St. Louis, I now look forward each year to the trip. (Know this sounds silly but travel is getting much if-fier for me now and going by on-line is such a joy.)
Hoping your week goes really well, am broiling out east of you today but also counting my blessings (A/C, still have water, faith Karl will arrive in SF and that helps this area too….). Cheers and joyful summer to all.
PS: Learned to be very careful with water in the 70’s and never forgot/got over it…. very concerned how I cut back any more….. Good wishes for the green pool, that must be VERY frustrating for your parents. Hope they do not face emptying and having to refill at this time!
I love corgis — so cute! Your photos made me smile, so thanks! 🙂