Quick check in (from my February break)

It’s been great to post my February FIGS these past two weeks, but I’ve missed writing regular posts. This week I’m off, but the kids are in school, so I have some hours each day to get some stuff done. Of course my husband just came down with whatever the 11yo had last week, which means I’m caring for him, and waiting to feel sick myself. I’m sure to get it, since we spent a solid 24 hours together, I just hope I get it while I’m off and not next week when I should be back at work. It’s a really shitty week for my husband to be sick, and he’s still planning on going to a press conference today (in a mask), so let’s just say it’s not the relaxing atmosphere I was hoping for.

This week last year we were in Mexico City for a week without the kids. It was our first trip without them, and it was glorious. We’ve been remembering what we did each day and it’s been nice to revisit that time together. I’m so glad we got to take the trip. I hope we can travel together again sometime soon. (That trip was for our 10/15 anniversary, so I suppose in another 4 years we can celebrate our 15/20 anniversary! Eek!)

I have been trying to figure out what I want to get done during this break. I have some work tasks that have to happen, because Trimester 2 ends in two weeks, and the 7th graders go away to outdoor ed the last week of the grading period, which means all their work needs to be in the grade book now. I’d also like to get a couple biggish things done around the house, but I’m trying not to put too much pressure on myself.

Yesterday ended up being pretty full of appointments and errands. I had a video appointment that ran way longer than expected, then I hit up the pharmacy to pick up my new prescription, and Costco afterward because they are right next to each other. The dentist office called saying they had an opening at 2pm for the 11yo, who missed his teeth cleaning last week when he was sick. It seemed like a decent time to go, he’d only miss an hour of school and we’d get it done while I was off, so I took it. That required picking him up and taking him to dentist. Then we got his favorite meal on the way home, which he ate before we headed to the dojo for several hours. We didn’t get home until almost 9pm.

Last night I slept horribly, but I still had to get up at 6:30am to get the 14yo up and eating breakfast, and to get both kids’ lunches ready. After I took the 11yo to school, I came home and tried to sleep and I did! I just woke up after over two hours of a sleep so deep that when I woke up I assumed I had slept past my alarms and was late getting the kids to school. I was so disoriented when I realized I was in my son’s room (I was sleeping in there because it is pitch black and my husband wasn’t sure if he was going to work or not yet). I really can’t believe I took that nap. I never can nap during the day, so my body clearly needed it.

Tonight I’m going to the general class at the dojo, then attending their quarterly board meeting. I have never been to the dojo’s board meeting (it’s a non-profit, so it has to have a board that meets regularly), but I feel like I’m participating so much now as a teacher, that I should probably start going. I love how my commitment to the dojo has grown in the past years, and I’m excited to honor that commitment more tonight.

My only other goal for today is to hit up the library to grab a book that my branch miraculously has. It’s drizzling now, so I’ll probably eat lunch and then head over there.

I’m not really sure what I’ll do with the next two days. I got some of my work done yesterday, and I’ll probably tackle some today. It’s the kind I can do with a show on in the background, so it will be nice to do that while no one is home.

I also have another post to write, which I started here and then decided should be moved to it’s own space. It’s kind of heavy, but since I started it I hope to finish it.

I have to admit, I like this random week off in February. It means we get out later in the summer, but I’d rather have more time off during the year, and a shorter summer, so I’m okay with it. I know not all teachers feel that way, so I’m glad I appreciate how it’s set up. I have a different spring break from my kids this year, which is a bummer in many ways, but which means I’ll get some more time like this in a early April. It helps me not get to worked up over how I use my time now.


  1. Very much sounds like a good, peace, and quiet catch up and prep vacation week. I think that is a lot of achievement.
    Very glad you posted today. Helped me to read and connect with normal. Centering. Hope you do not succumb to the illness! Hope what ever is going on re husband’s place of work is positive and encouraging for him. Some positive news re the City government would be great.
    Be kind and gentle with yourself the rest of this week. (We all need kind and gentle.)

    1. Some positive news from the city government would be wonderful! Sadly there hasn’t been much of that lately. Hopefully soon.

  2. I wish we had longer breaks during the year and shorter summers! We don’t. We get out around June 12th! It’s so early! And it makes summer wayyyy too long. I want to have a week in the fall, two weeks for Christmas, a week in February and a spring break. That would be amazing! But no, NJ schools are a bit different.
    Rest up and take some time for yourself!

    1. When do your schools re-open in thee fall? I know some schools in my state opening second week of August…. majority prior to Sept 1.

    2. I get out around June 12th too, but we go back mid-August so it’s probably shorter than your summer (I think you go back after Labor Day?) I def prefer that to just barreling through, which is what my kids’ district does. They get out the first Wed of June usually.

  3. We do not have a break in February, but I’m glad about that since it’s such an awful time of year to be off in Minnesota! I would feel differently if I lived in a more mild climate. My husband and I are doing a couple trip at the end of March and I can’t wait! Our last one was a little over two years ago. For both trips we are going to/went to Mexico. We’re both so tired in this young kid stage of life so relaxation is the way to go for us. But I look forward to doing something more adventurous when our kids are a bit older and we have more energy!

    1. Yay for getting away with young kids! We never managed to do that and I wish we had. And yay for Mexico. I love traveling down there. I hope to go again soon. Which part do you travel to?

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