Well, this week thoroughly kicked my ass. I am in rough shape. I want to say I’m so happy tomorrow is Friday, but the weekend doesn’t look like it’s going to be a lot better.
‘‘Tis the season, amiright?!
My son has a belt test at the dojo on Saturday. I’ve been helping him practice most days after school. He’s a very high belt and has a lot to review before a test. I’ll be glad when it’s over.
My daughter has to submit her application to the art school next Friday. She just finished one of the three submissions. She’s partly done with the second and has no idea what she’ll do for the third. It’s been a lot of work to help her manage her time and big feelings around doing the work. I cannot wait for her to submit her three pieces so we can move on. I’m tired.
The plumbers finished the second part of the big pipe replacement job today. It’s been really stressful to have them in the house so much. The downstairs is a disaster. And so dirty. But at least we can start putting it back together again.
Which means I really do need to decide on tile. Except it’s SO EXPENSIVE! So I might just put linoleum in there again, even though it makes me sad when I can’t afford to make my house look like I want it to. But if most of it doesn’t look like how I want, maybe it’s not worth spending $700ish dollars more to put tile in my bathroom when linoleum would probably look fine.
But I did get my new glasses today. And I like them! And I’m so excited to have a dedicated pair of reading glasses, that incorporate my prescription for astigmatism with the boost I need to read these days. I used to put a pair of nose-bridge reading glasses into my regular glasses to read, but after several years of doing that I decided it was time to get a separate pair for reading. I’m wearing them now and they are lovely. Hooray!
Being able to see is never overrated. I learned this the hard way when I forgot my glasses one day this week and really, really struggled to see my computer, and anything the kids wrote.
Oh, and this happened today.

I bit the bullet and started dumping stuff into bags today. Because why not?! But honestly I feel like it needs to happen. Im acutely aware of how much shit is hiding all over my house; and I don’t think I can keep the clutter at bay if it’s also lurking behind every piece of furniture. Hopefully I won’t just leave all this stuff in bags until the summer. I’ve definitely done that before, with stuff I’d cleared off of surfaces when people were coming over (exactly what you described Jenny!) I think this will be different because it’s the stuff in the drawers I am sorting through, but maybe I’m just deluding myself. We shall see. The winter break is in two weeks and most of it falls after Xmas so I have a fighting chance.
Definitely spend the money on the tile. Better to have floors you love than nothing you love!
Tile! My SIL and BIL just redid their master bath and the tile took forever to come in and was crazy expensive. Why is tile so expensive these days?!
Price the three alternatives, include ‘luxury vinyl’ as 3rd. See what each offering has a choices these days. Then you can see if the price delta makes tile NOT SO VERY MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE. Also remember to think of maintenance, earthquakes, sick pets and comfort in the middle of the night. BUT LIKE the choice you decide upon. You will see it several times a day and remember to look at the cost over time as you are apt to be staying in your home at least two years after your son graduates 12th grade. And your flooring choice will (one hopes) last at least that long.
How can we support you in not letting the bags fester and not get sorted and emptied? People differ wildly in their ‘out of sight =out of mind’ tendencies. Having seen years of you accomplishing insanely more than I thought possible I now believe you will do what ever you decide is what you really want to do. Be that decluttering, not storing bags of random things, garden re-making, making your home into a desirable AB&B …. or anything else
But I do want to cheer you on. Do you want to count your bags and then let us cheer everytime you empty one? Please consider what would help you the most.
Thank you for posting and good wishes to your son on his next step!
I like that idea! You declutter and we cheer you on!
Good luck with the decluttering. It’s all about getting started, amirite? 😉
Sunday evening. Wondering when you, and when your kids, start and end year end break this year. Hearing lots of variations on going. Hoping you are looking at only this week and then break…… But know districts have different policies.
Sending you best wishes and BIG HOPES.
Ha ha well good luck with the giant purge! Maybe your motivation will be to prove me wrong, and you’ll go through those bags ASAP.