Seven on Sunday, Last day of break edition

It’s Sunday and my break is over. While I’d rather not be going to work tomorrow, I’m okay with the end of the break. I didn’t do as much around the house as I wanted and the clutter and chaos is starting to bother me, but I clearly needed to prioritize rest this week and I’m trying to be okay with my choices. I still have some work to do tonight, but I don’t think I’ll be cursing my choices tomorrow morning.

I have been struggling with reading lately. I’m having a hard time with Alas de Onyx (Onyx Storm in Spanish). I feel like I can’t remember the characters or the back story and I’m constantly confused. I finally read a summary of Iron Flame and while it reminded me of some important plot points, I still don’t feel like I know what’s going on in the third book. My daughter loved Onyx Storm though so I’m pretty sure this is a me problem.

I’m also really struggling with The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, which is a book club book. I don’t know why but I never want to listen to it. I’m just not invested in any of the characters yet. I never am curious to know what happens next. I know this books was highly acclaimed and widely regarded as amazing so I’m not sure why I’m struggling so much. I just keep listening to old episodes or If Books Could Kill and Maintenance Phase instead of listening to real books.

I also keep buying clothes for myself, which I absolutely don’t need. And then the sizes aren’t right so I buy them in another size so I can return the first one I got, even though what I should be doing is JUST returning the original. I absolutely have too many clothes as it is, and even after filling an IKEA bag with items I rarely wear anymore. I still feel not great about the purchases. Having said that, I highly doubt I’ll be retuning it all once the new sizes come.

I’m not sure how I feel about my new medication. I wasn’t at work this week so it’s hard to know how effective it is. My new psych recommended I take a day off every week, to maintain efficacy, so I’m not taking it today. I guess this coming week I’ll have a better idea.

I also went to my first Adult ADHD Support Group via Zoom on Friday. The topic was “interrupting,” which is one of the things I still struggle with the most, so I was motivated by the topic. It was helpful to know this is an area where other people with ADHD struggle, I did not find much or the information helpful. While it was helpful to explore why I want to interrupt, and to learn the social dynamics of different kinds of interruptions, the suggestions to take three breaths before you say anything or to slow your thoughts down so you’re not bored or formulating what you’re going to say didn’t feel very useful. If I could slow by thoughts down or not be bored by every day interactions I absolutely would! Then I wouldn’t have any problems!

Back to prescriptions, yesterday was the last day of my two weeks of topical rosacea medication and I’m pretty sure I’m just going to flair up again because I had a mini-flair while I was using it. I guess we’ll see how I do, but I don’t feel very hopeful that this will keep my rosacea at bay in the long run, and I have a lot of reservation about long term low dose antibiotics, which is what I think was suggested as the next treatment. We shall see.

Today the 14yo has friends coming over but the 11yo does not so he and I will be hanging out a bit. I wanted to get him the LEGO Fortnite Battle Bus when he earned his red belt, but it has been sold out since a month before Christmas. It’s finally in stock and we can grab it from a store down by my work today, so that will kill time and give him something fun to do. I’m hoping to convince him of gettin rid of his snap ships so he has a place to put it too.

Bonus item, my dad shared this with me and it’s so spot on. As Homer Simpson once said, “I t’s funny because it’s true.”


  1. I swear you’re a combination of me and my husband rolled into one person. He has ADHD, and one thing I hate is how he always interrupts. If I have to say anything longer than two sentences, I’m always trying to rush through it because I know he’s going to interrupt, start whistling or pick up his phone- basically something that shows me he’s stopped paying attention. Maybe I need to go to an ADHD family support group.
    For the rosacea- I beg you to try the gel I get from amazon. It could be the type of thing that works for me and not you, but it’s so cheap, it’s worth a try. Here it is:
    i like the “12 Seasons…” Here in Florida it would be more like “Our two seasons- Summer, and SuperSummer.

    1. The link says a Kindle thing can’t load? Maybe on my laptop I’ll see it correctly.
      And honestly, our seasons are laughable to people with a real winter and summer. We’re just wimps who are super sensitive to the littlest changes in the weather. Also there is nothing but Shen Yun billboards out for all of December.

  2. Hope your new week goes well and that the break eased your stress a bit at least.
    Loved your father’s seasons … noticed he missed that one of the false springs (aka fake sundress weather) gets followed by pneumonia week. I really always love breaking down all the seasons of the Bay Area for people who think CA does not have seasonal diversity. Probably between 45 and 50 different ones per year….
    Sending you huge amounts of support and hope the rosea does not break through. Also that you find the new meds really help the ADHD. Interruptions are such a tough thing to tame for ADHD. Thanks for mentioning the zoom suggestions, I totally agree with you re their helpfulness! Would that it was that easy!

  3. I’m currently reading Onyx storm and almost done. I’m dreading the ending because I’ve heard it’s a cliffhanger, and I have no idea when the next book will be out. It’s been a fun vacation read though.

  4. I read Onyx Storm with my book club. I liked it but there were a lot of plot points that were easy to miss and things that I didn’t remember from the previous books. Having a summary of the previous book and a list of characters is helpful.

  5. LOL about the Bay Area weather, that’s awesome. Especially true on your side of the Caldecott. Out here we get the HOT summer, though sometimes the fog comes and cools us down.

    I wish I could say I enjoyed Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, but I really couldn’t get into it too much. There were a couple of characters I liked, but overall kind of meh.

    If you decide to try low dose antibiotics, I can give you some advice. I take Minocycline 100mg 3x a week, and for a couple of years I took it 100mg 2x a day 7 days a week. I did not have any issues with it, though some people can. If you decide to try it, make sure that you take a good probiotic/prebiotic several hours away from your antibiotic.

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