On Thursday my nephew has a well visit scheduled in the middle of the day so we had keep our morning activity short. We went to Shem Creek, where many important scenes from Outer Banks were filmed. (I took pictures to impress my middle schoolers next year.) it’s a beautiful spot and the only disappointment was that we didn’t see dolphins.

Afterward, we got shaved ices and ultimately spent the afternoon at my other cousin’s pool. I swear, the kids could play there all day.
Yesterday we went to Shell Beach (officially named Botany Bay). My cousins told me it had trees in the water and I guess I assumed it was like a mangrove near an estuary. What I did not assume I would find was a breath taking landscape of fallen trees on soft white sand.

The drive in and out was also stunning. I can’t get enough of these old growth oak trees and Spanish moss.

The hike to the beach was also beautiful.

Last night I mentioned wanting to try their kayak in the water behind their house (truly not sure what to call it), so they pulled it out right then and I went for it.

Last night my cousin and I talked for hours. We chatted about life right now and reminisced about our childhoods. We laughed so hard. It filled my cup, as they say. I’m so enjoying this trip. Truly, the only thing I’d change is the mosquitos (without bug spray I get eaten alive here) and maybe the heat (I’m handling it fine but my kids are struggling a bit). Im just so pleased by how this week has gone. It could have been very different if the kids weren’t getting along so well, or if we had different expectations, but instead it’s pretty much perfect.
Tomorrow afternoon we head home. We have been gone for two weeks which is the only reason I think we’ll be ready to leave.
Your photos are wonderful. Thank you for sharing these images!