Six Smiles on Saturday

Six things I’m smiling about today:

I convinced my husband to say no to a last minute request from work to staff the mayor tomorrow. It’s his birthday tomorrow and he definitely doesn’t want to go, and I’m so glad he told them he couldn’t. It’s hard for him to say no, but it was the right move. he would have been miserable, on his birthday! No thanks.

My daughter and I will be alone at home tonight and we plan to watch the Scott Pilgrim movie, because she is obsessed with the anime series on Netflix. I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with her lately, and she’s about to go to away camp.

My two friends and I will all be driving our daughters down to camp together tomorrow, and then hanging out afterward. Yay for time with my friends!

We will be staying in our regular rooms at the house in Hawaii AND we won’t be there the same week as the newborn baby. We are so lucky to be invited to this house in Hawaii and I would never complain about the logistics, but I appreciate not having any big unknowns going in, especially things like sleeping arrangement changed that might stress out the kids.

I got my daughter new shoes for the new school year. Her one pair of converse was in very rough shape, so it was time. I hope she likes them all and they fit. She recently shot up another 1.5 inches (she is now fully an inch taller than me!) but her feet seem to be the same size. I hope that remains the case because she’s the same size as me. I love that we can borrow each other’s shoes.

I also recently ordered my son new shoes (I lost a beat up pair on the trip) and got him a new backpack at Costco. I just ordered my daughter a new backpack as well, so we are officially ready for the new school year. My son will probably need a new set of grey shirts at some point (he has to wear a grey top and black bottoms to school) but I’ll get those during the back to school sales. It feels really good to know we have everything we need for their school years. My anxiety about the unknowns of new school years manifests as a compulsion to buy supplies, and this year that anxiety has been heightened with my daughter’s start to high school.


  1. We saw school supplies at Walgreen’s yesterday and my husband and I refused to accept the reality of it. We still have more than a month left to enjoy summer!

  2. delightful smiles! Thank you for sharing. Made me smile too.
    Very glad your husband protected his birthday celebration. And love all the shoe and backpack news about getting ready now for school later! It gets sneaky as it approaches and all the hidden surprises pop out. Good to be ahead as much as possible.

  3. Ooh, your daughter is starting high school! How exciting. And you’ve reminded me that I need to order my daughter a new pair of Converse. Sadly, her feet are smaller than mine so we can’t share shoes.
    I’m going to post those piriformis exercises in my blog soon- it’s kind of hard to describe the one from Brad Beer’s book without photos. I don’t want to put the photos from his book on my blog, but maybe I can just send you a screenshot. I’ll try to do that tonight!

    1. I totally understand not wanting to post photos. If you want to email me at noemikjames {at} that would be amazing! Thanks!

  4. Ohh school supplies… My kids are 4 and 6. R’s preschool gives them everything- I mean, everything. My oldest is going into 1st grade and last year – for kindergarten, same school- they received a backpack with supplies as a gift. Amazing.

    If she needs anything in terms of buying supplies in 1st grade, we are shopping our house FIRST. I will not spend any money on stuff that we *may* already have. I am determined to open every drawer, cupboard, her desk in her room, piling it all in the center of the room, and deciding what supplies we need. I will probably bring the extras to my own school because there are sometimes students who need to borrow a pencil or an eraser. At the high school level, we don’t really need a lot of supplies, at least for Spanish. The expectation is that students shop for themselves.
    We bought them both backpacks last year – R’s first year in preschool, L- for kindergarten. They will reuse them this year.
    Clothing is uniforms. L: we have five red polos from last year – will keep that. We have three skorts but I need to see if those still fit.
    R grew out of his uniform, so we have to purchase three blue polos and three beige pants.

    1. I definitely shop for school supplies in my house. And my classroom! (Most of the supplies there I bought with my own money.) It’s mostly shoes and backpacks I try to have at the start of the year. I am not sure why. I wonder if I always started the year with new shoes and a new backpack? I definitely feels like a compulsion I can’t really explain. Those are usually deeply rooted in my childhood.

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