Yesterday was a lovely first day of break. I never left the house. I didn’t change out of my pjs. I never even put on a bra! The weather was cold and wet and grey, perfect for lounging around and that’s what we did. Ornaments were put on the tree and progress was made on the calendars.
In the evening the 14yo went skating with a friend and the 11yo went to a movie with his dad and I was blissfully alone at home for almost THREE HOURS. It was the perfect end to a perfect first day of break.
Today was not as perfect. I had to run errands, and take the 14yo to a doctor’s appointment (she has another appointment with sports medicine for her shoulder next week). We had to wait a while for her prescription to be filled at the pharmacy. Finally the 11yo went to the final classes offered at the dojo this week, where I got my ass handed to me at sparring.
I did get the calendars ordered. They were driving me crazy and I knew I’d keep working on them until I ordered them so after several hours of working on them in the morning I completed the order. I’m so glad that is off my plate.
Tomorrow is the middle of the break. So far I’ve had a lovely day and an okay day, so I can’t complain.
How is your Thanksgiving week going? Are you working? Are you off? When do the festivities begin for you?
{I was going to find a photo to post, but I’ve been looking at so many lately, I just couldn’t bring myself to open my Photos folder. 🤦♀️)
hurrah for what sounds like a total break day!!!!
I am glad you got a day where you stayed home and didn’t get out of your PJs. 🙂 You deserved that.
I worked Thanksgiving day and only had Thursday off, but that was mostly a relaxed day for us (because we hosted my MIL the previous weekend and didn’t go anywhere on Thanksgiving Day!).