This morning I ran (what a privilege!)

I ran at my regular spot, and for the regular distance. I ran without walking intervals. I ran like I used to run, before I got hurt.

The only thing that was not regular about my run was the time. I was out at 7am, because I had to take my daughter to the airport at 6:30am. I don’t usually run that early, but I got to today.

And it felt marvelous.

I’m definitely not 100%. My hips and lower back are a mess, partly as a direct result of the knee injury and partly because the knee injury makes it hard to stretch in the ways that used to alleviate the pain.

It’s been a long road to get here. At least it felt long to me. I know 3.5 months is not much in the world of serious knee injuries, but for me, it was a really challenging experience.

I still can’t believe I was able to take my martial arts test just two months after it happened. I actually think, looking back, that the test helped me rehab faster, because I was so motivated to participate without reinjuring myself that I took my physical therapy very seriously. I have not been nearly as dedicated to doing the exercises since the test.

Jess Sims, my favorite Peloton teacher, frequently says, “not because we have to, because we get to.” She talks a lot about how one day our bodies might not be able to do whatever hard work we’re pushing them through, and it’s a privilege we can do that work right now. I’m sure I would have appreciated that sentiment before I hurt my knee, but now I feel its truth in my bones.

I was so lucky that even days after my initial injury, I was able to do some work to raise my heart rate and keep my body strong. I’m thankful that I was able to keep moving while my knee healed, and that now I can return to activities that make me happy.

This morning I ran. And I’ll run again later this week. And I’ll keep running until I can’t.

It really is a privilege.


    1. I hope you can run again soon! And my running route is stunning. All of them are. I’m very spoiled.

  1. Thank you so much for sharing the glory of your surroundings. Gives me such a lift. And, YES, run while you can. Then walk and walk and walk. No quitting.
    If you have not looked at the Crosstown SF trail and Crisscross SF trail do give them some thought. Not running trails but a wonderful way to share with your family the glories and variations of SF and to see how connected the city is. Good map reading practice for your kids and a wonderful way for them to figure out how to use Muni and it’s resources to reach locations.
    Hope your daughter’s trip went well. SO glad you got such a wonderful and beautiful run in on a lovely day!

    1. I haven’t looked as much at running in the city. I don’t love waiting for lights, but I should try some routes sometime. Daughter made it and it seems like she’s having fun.

  2. It IS a privilege. Yesterday it was really hot and I was dripping when I finished my workout, but I was also so proud of myself. I get to do this and not everyone else does!

    1. Ha! I didn’t even mention what a privilege it is to run where I’m not dripping in sweat when I’m done, even in June. Talk about privilege! Our weather is so nice.

  3. This is such a good reminder – it IS a privilege. I went for a long (hot) walk yesterday afternoon and then a bike ride last night (my first in a decade) and today I took the day off from exercise since we’re in the middle of a heat wave and the day “off” felt lovely but…also…I feel like it’s time to start pushing my body just a *bit* harder. I used to work out far more consistently and while it took time and willpower to stick with it, I was rewarded with more energy and a stronger body.

    I need to be willing to put in that time again!

    1. I hope you find a way to push your body that feels good. Finding that can be such a gift. I’m so thankful I’ve found different ways to challenge my body to improve strength and cardio endurance and balance. I’m very fortunate.
      In fact, one of the silver linings of my knee injury was needing to get a stationary bike and then discovering bike boot camps on Peloton (which I already used for strength training). I assumed I’d get rid of the bike quickly but I’m definitely going to keep it for a while. I love bike boot camps. Such a great mix of strength and cardio.

  4. I love, love, love that Jess Sims quote. Whenever I don’t want to run, I remind myself that other people can’t (for various reasons) and that I am so lucky that I am able to. I am glad you’re back!

    1. So many people can’t, for all kinds of reasons. One day I will be one of those people. I’m glad that day is not today.

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