
I’m learning that now, in the upside down, I hate Thursdays. Thursday seems to be the day I crash and burn and everything feels like too much and I wonder how I can possibly make it to mid-June. And then I remember this doesn’t actually end in mid-June and I start to cry.

I cry a lot on Thursdays.

I’m crying way more than normal every day, but Thursdays? Thursdays I sob.

I’m not quite sure what it is. On Wednesdays I usually get some time – I take my noon exercise class and I work in the yard after the class, before I shower. I usually have my Thursday push ready early in the day so I’m not stressed about getting that done. And Thursday should be a low key day because I don’t have to push out work again until Monday morning.

I think what it is, is that by Thursdays I am exhausted. I work from the minute I wake-up until right before bed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I work while I’m with my children. I work while I eat. I work constantly. And by Thursday I’m just done.

Thursday is also my Zoom meeting day, and I hate Zoom meetings.

So yeah, now I hate Thursdays. And that is weird because Thursdays used to be a good day for me. Just another thing that is different in the upside down.

I’ve been struggling to show up here again. It’s hard to look at this screen to write posts, when I have to look at this screen ALL DAY to do work. I spend so much time in front of this computer screen that when I’m not working I want to do something else.

So there might not be as many posts as this continues, because I’m getting tired. And it’s hard to show up here when I’m showing up every minute of every day. At least it feels that way.

Sorry for the bummer post. Turns out I hate Thursdays.


  1. Thursday’s are the worst day of the week for me too! I can not figure it out but I am the most tired and sad on Thursday. I am home with my three boys (twin kindergarteners and a 2.5 year old) teaching chemistry remotely, teaching my kindergarteners, keeping the youngest happy, while my husband still has to go into his office everyday, it is exhausting. I guess by Thursday I feel done but we still have Friday and I always have to work during the weekend to make sure I am ready for the week ahead. Thank you for your posts – I hope you have a nice weekend and are able to get outside.

  2. Yes, I nearly lost it yesterday evening (I’ve been nearly losing it every evening lately, but yesterday was the worst). I used to love Thursdays, but this was just a reminder that 1) one more day of work to go and 2) nothing to look forward to on the weekend anyways because I’ll be trying to catch up on work and the house.

  3. Post when you can, you are appreciated. But you are also a treat and I need you above all else to take care of you. So, no pressure from me but lots of appreciation.

    Would Thursday’s be a good day for you to have some time alone (1-2 hrs) in quiet … or would that be even worse?
    This is all very hard. Thank you for sharing that is hard for you too; that I am not alone in finding it very very tough.

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