I’m back on the elliptical so it’s time for a post!
I really did mean to write earlier this week, but I felt like I was coming down with something on Thursday and last night, so I went to bed really early. I’m still not sure if I’m fighting something off, or just really tired (or maybe it’s allergies?), but I’m getting my Covid booster today regardless, which is why I’m working out now, so if (when?) I feel horrible later, I’ll have my work out done.
Working Out Right Now
I’m a little disappointed that I’m only on the elliptical today. It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day and I would have been at the dojo, except there is an adult test today so no classes. And I would have ran, but again I’ve heard this new Covid booster lays you out so I don’t want to wait to run and then feel too sick to do so. Maybe I can run tomorrow.
I’ve been struggling to show up at the dojo for a few different reasons. They have had some unexpected closures due to roof work. I’ve had some unusual commitments on the weekdays and weekends. Work is also requiring more of me at home this year, which has led me to skip a few evenings. I’m trying to take it in stride – it’s good to get a break, especially for my back/leg pain, but also for my overall commitment to it. It is expected that I stay at blue belt for a long while, so I’m not in a rush to learn anything. And my friend I train with is even out right now (injury), so she’s not blasting ahead of me either. It’s really fine that I’m not showing up there like I normally would. I’m letting myself process that.
Ditto with running. I love it, and I do think I can make more time for it if I change expectations, but it’s okay if I’m on the elliptical more for a little while. I mean we have an elliptical! It’s good to use it! (My husband is on it regularly so it’s getting used regardless). Monday I went for a quick run before I took my son and his friend to the dojo. It didn’t go great, but I did run for 30 minutes and I ran fast so maybe that is what a during the week run will look like this winter.
The reality is I’m not training for anything, so I don’t need to add stress to my workout regimen. Right now I’m just trying to maintain my physical and mental health (and keep the winter holiday weight gain at bay, let’s be honest) and if that looks like less time at the dojo and running so be it. And maybe, once PT starts (in mid-November) my goals will change even more. And that is okay too.
Trunk or Treat
Part of why I was really tired last night, was surely due to the two hours I stood outside in the increasing cold for Trunk or Treat at my daughter’s school. She and some of her friends are going as Pokémon this year (she already has an Evie onsie), and my son has been a huge fan for years so we have plenty of Pokémon stuff around the house (including enough stuff for me to dress up as Ash!) so we made that our theme. I also had a bunch of Trick-or-Trade card packs from Costco, which felt like a sign. Finally, I found a Gengar Trunk-or-Treat decoration and Pokéball balloons on Amazon so that sealed the deal.
It was fun to participate this year, since it’s her last at the school. And I’m sure I can use it all again when my son is at the school in a few years.

It was a nice day, but by 6:30 it was pretty cold to be out there in shorts. When I got home I bundled up with some hot tea until I passed out at 10pm.
This weekend and the coming week
Today we’re getting vaccinations. My son and husband are getting both flu shot and the Covid booster, I’m getting the Covid booster (I already got the flu shot) and our daughter is just getting the flu shot (she’s a little sick so we didn’t think the Covid booster made sense this weekend). I have nothing else planned this weekend and even next week is pretty light at school, as we rap up our Day of the Dead unit with the movie Coco (always great to show a movie on Halloween too!) I definitely need the time to catch up on grading and get ready to launch our free reading program, which requires some tweaking this year with the large classes.
I also need to plan for the classes (and sometimes full days) I’ll be missing for high school tours. They are of course, during the school day, which is a giant pain in the ass for me. But hopefully, after we tour, we’ll feel confident in our rankings on the application. I’m trying to schedule a little something for myself on the days I’m away from school, so they are not just stressful and annoying. I also still have my student teacher around, which makes me gone a lot easier.
November and beyond
November starts this week and while the first half of it is really busy with high school tours, a both-cats vet appointment and starting physical therapy, it slows down by the Thanksgiving Break. We don’t usually do much that week, so hopefully then I can recharge before the winter holidays.
I have been uploading pictures to a Best of 2023 album on Shutterfly all year, which means making the calendar over Thanksgiving break should be WAY easier. Last year I spent several late nights going through the THOUSANDS of photos from the year before to grab the best, but this year they are already curated! I’m so glad I thought to do that last year and actually stuck to it this year. Yay for 2022 Noemi bullying me via my reminders app into doing twice a month!
And my time on the elliptical is over, so I have to go shower. I hope you all have a great weekend!
SOunds like things are doing quite well. I got flu shot, then Covid booster and just had RSV. None bothered me other than arm being a small amount sore. RSV arm was simply quite warm for a few days. So, am hoping you and yours do not have significant down time from your shots.
Looks like cute costumes. Haven seen many so far this year but expect tomorrow to see more at a pet costume contest…. on pets and people. It is always so interesting to see how costumes have changed over the past (many) decades from purely homemade to quite elaborate and expensive custom projects.
Thank you for posting. Cannot picture HOW you manage to do elliptical and write on a keyboard but know many are able to manage that. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THE TIME AND PUTTING IN THE EFFORT!
I don’t know how you do all that you do. You seem to be a higher energy person.
1. Also did a trunk or treat this weekend for my teachers union!
2. Our school stopped the high school tours during the day since it was wayyy too disruptive. They started doing them in summers instead.
3. I, too, cúrate photos throughout the year- for our yearly photo book. The moment “unlimited pages” promotion becomes available on Shutterfly- I order it. So usually sometime in January I already have the previous year book ready 🙂
Dang, I honestly kind of forget that COVID is even a thing anymore. The last time I got a booster (Nov 2021) I got so insanely sick that I swore off getting them. My MIL also had migraines for months after hers. I don’t know a single person who gets the booster (which makes sense, I just googled and only 7% of adults and 2% of kids have gotten this latest one, and last year total was only 17% total got the bivalent, so it really isn’t that common in the middle age groups). I could see getting the booster if I was 65+I suppose, but your post just reminds me that there are a few people out there still getting them! To be fair, I never get the flu shot either (nobody in my family does), and none of us have gotten the flu ever. We also don’t have health insurance, which I’m sure makes me even less likely to bother paying for a shot I don’t really think we need. (fyi, my kids are fully vaccinated other than that, I’m not an anti-vaxxer by any means). At any rate, fingers crossed you don’t actually get sick from this booster and it gives you more peace of mind!
Also, that’s amazing you’ve stayed on top of photos this year – I’m jealous. What a weight off your shoulders.